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should guns be allowed in america

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by will9898, Oct 9, 2005.

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  1. Alien13

    Alien13 Guest

    Ahh, thank you, aabbccdd, thats the one, heheh, dont know why i couldnt think of it then?? :)
  2. Oner

    Oner Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 8, 2002
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    WOW!!! You are seriously mislead. You need to get your facts straight before saying a remark like that as it sounds like you got that from a reporter distorting the facts for a headline. I live in Florida and conceal carry a Glock EVERYDAY. I have gone through all the proper channels, filled out the paperwork and have done the course. The US Government has done its due diligence to check my background and have approved me for my rights....not a priveledge a RIGHT

    This amendment is for our protection as Americans and what it means is (basically) we have the right to arm ourselves (God forbid) if we need to overthrow an oppressive tyranny hence if the Gov't where to infringe our RIGHTS or similar actions. I might have explained it loosely but you should understand my point....hopefully.

    I was born and raised in the Bronx NYC for 30 years of my life and in NY the general public CANNOT carry a gun. You can have a shotguns and/or a long rifles (if I am not mistaken). I never needed a gun for protection then nor do I now BUT as the saying goes

    My main reasons for applying for a concealed weapon permit are

    1) To protect the ones I love
    2) To protect the ones I know well and that are dear to me
    3) To protect myself
    4) To protect my property

    Those are the ones that come to mind. If someone doesn't agree with guns, America etc., that is fine but I absolutely REFUSE to be prey. And when SHTF I will do my best to do what I have to for the safety of myself and the ones around me.

    The figures that the Media use are blown out of proportion and used for their "shock" value, but the truth is as it has been said before...Criminals will continue to get guns by any means necessary and the laws DON'T apply to them as they disregard them anyway. So why should I, a Law Abiding citizen be denied from having a weapon. This is why it is called "Criminal Justice" and this is why I would rather be tried by 12 then carried by 6.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2005
  3. DVDBack23

    DVDBack23 Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    Absolutely. I completely agree with those statements. Those are the main reasons to have a concealed weapon if you are not a law enforcement agent.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2005
  4. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    where in the world did you here that ,from a misinformed Liberal? DONT buy the lies the left trys with gun control because they have lost the battle when it come to gun control the America people have stood up and HAVE BEEN HEARD !!

    2nd Amendment
    A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free
    State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be

    what part dont the Liberals get here
  5. chesty

    chesty Guest

    I would like to know one thing..................

    Isn't this post just a little off topic ?

    I thought this was a website for computer and audio and video geeks and freaks.

    I would hate to disappointment all of you anti gun nuts and citizens from other parts of the world that don't understand a thing about life and culture in the united states.

    Gun ownership has been a part of the american experience since the revolutionary war in the united states and it's part of the declaration of independance and us constitution and gun ownerhip will not be illegal for the LAW ABIDING common citizen.


    We in the united states have a very powerful gun lobby called the NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION that has a lot of clout in the united states congress to make sure that the politicians in the united states don't have any crazy ideas about confiscating the average citizen's guns.

    Charleston Heston was a great NRA president and he was quoted in saying is the only time the goverment will take the citizen's guns away is when they are pried out of their dead fingers.

    I also feel if a worthless criminial type wants to attempt a home invasion with a gun then i personally think that person is taking life into his own hands and i would not feel sorry if that person gets shot and dies by a homeowner with a shotgun or a pistol.

    I live in a small town in the mojave desert in california and the locals that live here will do exactly that.

    The Sun, San Bernardino, CA, 04/25/03
    State: CA
    American Rifleman Issue: 7/1/2003

    In an apparent home invasion gone wrong, suspected burglar Deandre Williams was fatally shot by his intended victim.

    Juan Carlos Garcia, his wife and their two small children had been sleeping when Garcia was awakened by an intruder.

    Arming himself with a pistol, Garcia went into the living room to investigate.

    There he encountered an armed man standing by the front door.

    When the intruder fired at Garcia, striking him in the arm, Garcia returned fire.

    Williams then ran outside.

    Garcia followed, and Williams, who was waiting for him, fired at Garcia, hitting him several times.

    Garcia dropped to the ground and fired one more shot, fatally wounding Williams.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2005
  6. Oner

    Oner Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 8, 2002
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    This post is in the safety valve so anything can be discussed here.
  7. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    plus when i burn a coaster, what better thing to do with them then lauch them up in the air and open fire? so you see it all ties in with the site sooner or later :)
  8. Jauzzi

    Jauzzi Member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    hey, a friend of mine also told me about that new "law" in florida, that says that you can "shoot anybody who threatens you".... or like somebody else in the previous post said.... can't remember the exact words, but you get the idea... so, that's BS right??? did some reporter twist the story or what?? does anybody know?
  9. Jauzzi

    Jauzzi Member

    Jan 4, 2005
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  10. Oner

    Oner Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 8, 2002
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    Bogus Reporting....Where is the EXACT LAW that states this? As it is NOWHERE to be found in that ever so trusted "source". The only law that I know of to be passed recently is the Castle Doctrine which just carried over to your vehicle. So if someone BREAKS into YOUR house you have the right to use force against him without as many worries as before the perp can sue YOU for shooting him for breaking and entering and jeopardizing your family.

    I will look into this unsubstantiated (sp?) "Law" everyone is throwing about.

    Edit: Found it

    The law that everyone is BS'ing about basically states that you do not have to flee if you feel your life is threatened by lethal force against you
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2005
  11. bluejet

    bluejet Regular member

    Oct 1, 2005
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    It doesn't matter guns will never go away. It is apart of life like war. War will never go away. Theres no way you can have peace without war, and theres no way you can have war without guns so this topic is pointless.
  12. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    I'm not a gun owner but nearly everyone in my family owns some type of hunting rifle or shotgun and have a few observations on the whole topic.
    1) Isn't owning a gun like the little suicide pill they say they give all the people that go up in space or to the spies working foreign missions?
    "You have this for the 101 things we can think of, and the few we cant"
    If the Necronomicon ever teleports me to an ancient evil land, I'll want a boomstick. And lots of shells from S-mart.
    2) As Chris Rock said...guns don't kill people, bullets do. Too many guns? Tax the bullets, ain't noone gonna do a drive-by and waste any bullets if they cost $5,000 each.
  13. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    think that statement though there deadrum ,people CAN make there own bullets WITHOUT buying them millions of people do this so thats not even close to being an answer
  14. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Yep, I can make 12 guage/20 guage/ 22-250/220 swift/30.06/30-30

    Very cheap,even better than manufacturers ammo! More acuracy/better hollowpoints for more killing varmints/lower cost!
  15. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    for two days a year, we need open season on humans. that would solve problems with pollution, over-population, and guns, right there. i'm all for it.
  16. hogan

    hogan Regular member

    Mar 8, 2004
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    I live in Louisiana. We have a "shoot the burglar" law. If someone breaks in your house, you have the right to defend life and property with any force necessary. Ovewrall Louisiana has a low crime rate, IF you take New Orleans out of the picture. As you all know New Orleans has been FLUSHED by Katrina and the criminal element has been spread throughout the United States. I was just wondering how this will effect the crime rates where yall live. In my little town, we had to double the size of the police force to deal with the crime we now have. Before Katrina I can't remember the last time we had anythin more than traffic violations in our local paper. THAT has changed and yes I own several guns and will use it if necessary.

  17. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    Well aware that people make their own (or is that just in the movies like silver bullets?)
    Looks like the wrong thread to crack a joke. Please don't shoot, I'm unarmed. Wait till high noon and well have a proper draw...
  18. bluejet

    bluejet Regular member

    Oct 1, 2005
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    They just passed a Law in Fl that if you feal threatened by someone you have the right to shoot them... How scarey is that?

    Actually that really is a law I saw it on CNN yesterday click on this link

  19. huntr

    huntr Member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    The misinformation concerning the change in Florida's self-defense law is incredible. In most states, if a criminal breaks into your house, or attacks you on the street, you are required BY LAW to retreat. For example, in Massachusetts, a criminal broke into the home of a woman and attacked her and her two children. The woman and her children retreated to the basement, where she kept a loaded .22 rimfire rifle. When the attacker wouldn't cease and desist, she fired, wounding him, and he fled. She was prosecuted for attempted murder because the prosecuter pointed out that there was a small window in the basement that she had failed to try to exit, with her children. She was convicted, and sentenced to five years. There are literally hundreds of cases like this across the country. What the change was in Florida was that you no longer had a duty to retreat, as long as you had a legal right to be where you were. When discussing self-defense, be advised that you can only shoot when a reasonable person would fear for his life or great bodily harm, either to himself or to others. NOT just because someone gave him the finger, or yelled at someone. But the pathetic sheep in this world are trying desperately to make the people who would defend themselves against attack seem like sociopaths. Land of the FREE, home of the BRAVE. Others need not apply.
  20. Jauzzi

    Jauzzi Member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Ok, now that makes sense.
    But what doesn't make sense to me, is your last sentence "...home of the BRAVE" ??? I know you are trying to make fun of everybody who is a "coward" and thinks that by not allowing people to own guns, there will be no crime, etc (silly, i know) but ANYBODY who has a gun on his hand would feel very BRAVE indeed... "Land of the FREE, home of the BRAVE. Others need not apply." Hey, I just shot a reindeer, i'm so f@#$#g brave!!!!!
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