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Size of Movies

Discussion in 'Blu-ray players' started by Twitt, Feb 12, 2011.

  1. Twitt

    Twitt Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    I bought some bd dvd's at a going out of buss sale. I'd like to back these up as most of them are kids movies. My grandkids love to come over & watch movies but they are careless with them & that is why I want to back them up. I bought a bd writer & some 25gb disc but I need to know how to tell if the movies will fit on this size of disc. Is there a way to tell? before burning them? I'd like to buy more movies but I want to know they will fit on a 25 bd. Is there a site that will tell me before hand movies that will fit? Thank you so much. I just want to copy the whole movie as I know nothing about copying.
  2. bigwop

    bigwop Regular member

    Jun 3, 2004
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    This was started but kind of getting lost as more posts get added. Maybe some of your movies are there. Purchase dvdfab blu ray copy. Works like dvd shrink where you can reauthor to copy movie only, one audio, and remove subtitles. In main movie only you can split the movie to 2 disks keeping quality if it doesn't fit on a 25gb disk. This is what I do until price of 50gb disks come down. If most of your movies are kids, I'm guessing that most of them will fit. I use this software and it works great.

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