Ya I read that as well, but I have a map that has a scarab on turf that they see when they spawn. If the modder gets in the ghost and drives it arround then they see the scarab move not a ghost. Which would be freakin crazy if I got to see the scarab, but I don't only they do. So there has to be some way that you can allow the other non modders to see things differently.
Yeah it is pretty stupid, the setinal gun is like my least favorite thing in Halo just because it sucks so much.
ya i hate it as well, that is unless it shoots like a gagillion banshe bombs a second. then and just about only then is it cool. LOL
I like skinning the levels with paint, but the range is so limited. photoshop looks really professional, but the trial for it ran out for me and the link to download it is broken, Are there any free programs that are like photoshop? (besides gimp) (Hate gimp)
I think I just went to photoshops main site to get it. There should be a free version of it on there. If not Google it. Google can pretty much find anything except a free downloadable version of Final Fantasy VII for the PC. Take that Bill Gates.
Ok well back to my original thoughts. How do I get other people to see the cool stuff that I do. Like I said before I have one map were people actually see a scarab moving arround, but its just a ghost that the modders can drive. No is this becuase somehow they injected an object into the map and somewere gave the ghost a dependency for it. Although wouldn't that make the modder see the scarab as well. If anybody as any input that would be great.
it comes up in the raw data screen for the same map as this tutor There is no raw data editor for this tag and a white box with no picture in it what am i doing wrong?
[bold]@frkydkybb[/bold] No. Just the non-modders can see it. There is no injecting involved in the drivable scarab. [bold]@SwordsG[/bold] What are you talking about?
@Fuz3 Exactly thats what I want to do I want to get non-modders to see crazy shit like that but i dont know how. @SwordsG check to see if the shared.map and the mainmenue.map files are in the same directory as the map you're edditing.
and yea basicaly the only reason you need the dds plugins is for when you're using photoshop instead of DxtBmp.
[bold]@frkydkybb[/bold] Most mods, unlike the scarab one, only the modder can see. But the drivable scarab mod is just for non-modders.