[bold]@SwordsG[/bold] Explain yourself. Make sure your replies are percise and make sense. What do you have in a folder?
i have all the maps from halo 2 in one folder every one of them but when i try to do this tutor on dothalo i get problems basicly i go to tags [bitm] then scenarios\bitmaps\multi\deltatap\deltatap_cliffs i open the raw data editor http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/8472/4sr6.jpg but theres no image to extract nothing just white instead no skin? so i cant extract the bitmap
[bold]@SwordsG[/bold] I know what your problem is, lol. Just download the DotHalo I provided you with. You may think it's the same but it really isn't.
[bold]@SwordsG[/bold] Woah! Your probably right. I never even thought that it could have been the plugins. Gosh I'm dumb.
nah you ant dumb you got this tutor working anyways i think all people should know theres a chance thats theres 2 vrsions of dot halo that are called the same this could also lead to other problems in moding
ok i had my chance to day to do this so i put halo 2 on hd copyed the maps to pc i then followed this tutor it all went well untill puting back on xbox so i put it back on xbox i deleted every thing in x y and z i then rebooted run game picked map it then says waiting for map to load for all players something like that then it stoped and said failed to load what did i do wrong i followed and done it all like this tutor but it just dint load i tryed seveal times now my x y z have no files but when i play halo 2 from hd it rembers the the last map i picked as if the files are still there so i cant see the files in x y or z ? and cant get level to load with my golden warhog skin i made?
Wow fuz i dont think sword knows sarcasm. Anyways yes do u know of any other mods that are like the scarab one or how to do them. Cuz i know wat ur saying with the non modders can see that one but usualy only modders see the different stuff, and thats exactly wat i want to do when i mod i want to make it so non modders see it. without skinning the sentinal beam. its obviusly possible in some way to get a non modder to see something. they do it with the scarab. all i want to know is how they did it.
i did fix their encryption but it still ant working plus i cant see what files are on x y and z now? boy am i confused
[bold]@frkydkybb[/bold] The only two mods I know of that non-modders can see are the Scarab and the sentinel beam. Other than that, I believe all other mods can only be seen by the modder. [bold]@SwordsG[/bold] It depends what you are trying to skin. What is the bitmaps name? If they say scenarios then you just follow my tutorial but if they are anything else you have to use Halo2IB to internalize the bitmap.
ok i not worryed about that now just how do i get the files in x y and z to show there not showing no nmore but they are they becuase halo 2 dectects them
hey im kinda new at this whole thing and i was wondering nick if u could help me my xbl user is vV Master Vv and if u could i would really apreciate it alot my main question is do i have to have a regular xbox to do this cuz i have a 360 well reply bak plzz Coolio
With a 360 it is much harder. You have to hack your firmware (your hitachi drive) to play backup games that you burn onto a cd after you mod the xbox. Xbox is much easier to mod, and if your new, i wouldn't reccomend it.
so what ur saying is that 360's arnt compatable and is it or isnt it possible to reskin warthogs so yea and how do i get photoshop cuz i was reading ur guyzez replys and u guyz said somthing bout it for reskinning warthogs and i would appreciate it if u would add me vV Master Vv is my xbl user thnx. ,Coolio
This is the way you do it on a regular xbox, but somewere I have read a tutorial on doing it to ur 360. I can't remember exactly where so you should google it. Ah Google it's a wonderful thing.
[bold]@Coolio92[/bold] This tutorial is just used for skinning Halo 2. Doesn't matter whether it's for the Xbox or Xbox 360. About the warthog you don't need photoshop. Just skin it using this tutorial and then you need Halo2IB and you need to internalize the bitmap you edited. Back to the Xbox 360, if you are modding your new maps on your Xbox 360 you can either flash your firmware so that you can burn a backup with the modded maps or you can take apart your Xbox 360 harddrive and hook it up to your computer with a SATA cable or you can just use Datel's Xsata hardware which plugs onto your Xbox 360 where the harddrive goes and then the harddrive goes on top. Then using the supplied cord you plug it into a spare USB port on your computer and you can use Xplorer360 to access your harddrive. Then you can simply overwrite the new maps on your harddrive. But make sure they are resigned and you have backups just in case you screw up.
WOW thnx alot guyz and i have a question all im really interested in is reskining warthogs and making my maps look different or does that require mods.well one last question like i saw videos and their warthogs had like swords and stuff one it and i saw a golden warthog but all it was was colored all gold and stuff how do i do that if u could tell me that would be great and if u know of any good tutorials let me know.well nite! Coolio