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smokers thread

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by philipman, Apr 2, 2005.

  1. CKhaleel

    CKhaleel Regular member

    Feb 26, 2007
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  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    I smoke anything.. Not fussed about brands, the cheaper the better and if I can get illegal imported for 1/2 price that's good enough for me.

    And NO.. I have no intention of giving up.. it's my choice and if non smokers don't like it then here is my finger.. I don't have a choice about breathing vehicle fumes so STFU with your whining and leave us happy smokers alone.
  3. ktulu14

    ktulu14 Regular member

    Dec 8, 2004
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    well said varnull, I 2 smoke and have to go out to a crappy old bike shed in work on regulated breaks to have a puff. i also have to sit in traffic to get too and from that shithole (but it pays the mortgage so hey).

    worse -- when in the pub i have to go outside now (buggers), but it is such a social atmosphere, there cud be 12 feet of snow on the ground and we just don't give a shit.

    moral of this drunkenish rant -- you can take your laws and shove them up your ass sideways. smokers will smoke, drinkers will drink, i thought we lived in a free country, but i was soooooo wrong
  4. engage16

    engage16 Regular member

    Jul 17, 2005
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    that is why i like living in the middle of nowhere.... despite not having broadband (which will be avalible within a year due to lawsuits)... we can still smoke in the bars... yes its technically illegal but no one around here really cares... including the law enforcement in town... lol gotta love a place where someone underage can walk up to the owner of a bar who knows they're underage and get served...
  5. corn

    corn Guest

    I have smoked maybe 2-3 times. It might be just because I am a kid, but I coughed soo much, and my clothes smelt terrible. We spend $5.00 for a cigarette! One measly little cigarette. My mom nearly caught me when I was in the car home, she then was suspicious, so searched my backpack, my browsing history, went through my room, everything were I could hide them, she searched. Not worth it...
  6. engage16

    engage16 Regular member

    Jul 17, 2005
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    $5.00 for ONE ciggarette? You get screwed man... Normally its a dollar a smoke if your bumming them...
  7. corn

    corn Guest

    Yeah, well we had to pay out of our way. Never again lol.
  8. goodswipe

    goodswipe Guest

    Here you go guys, throw this in your sig...

  9. engage16

    engage16 Regular member

    Jul 17, 2005
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    i ain't gonna lie... i know i need to quit... pretty much everyone that smokes knows that they need to quit... it ain't easy, word of advice... don't start... and if your able to quit, NEVER pick up another cig again. not even for a drag...
  10. Trav357

    Trav357 Member

    Feb 2, 2008
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    They just put down a 3 meter bloody line around the employee entrance where I work! Smokin' rule went into effect March 31, here in BC, Canada! I ain't had a cigarette in about 8 years, but i still feel for the rest of ya. It's shite, I tell ya!
  11. goodswipe

    goodswipe Guest

    Yea, I agree with you guys. I have been free of my addiction for over a year now. It wasn't nicotine, but I know what you guys, that are trying to quite, are going through.
  12. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    I quit 2 years ago after 17 years of smoking. My newborn daughter was the reason, but looking back I wish I'd of done it sooner.
    I cannot judge or talk down to anyone else who does, I would be a hypocrite. There is a public smoking ban in my area, which is good overall but bad for freedom of choice. I should be able to open a business that caters to smokers, if you dont wanna go where you know there will be smoke, dont go. Freedom should be that simple, now it seems like freedom=thinly veiled fascism.
  13. aldan

    aldan Active member

    Mar 24, 2007
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    personally i prefer mary jane 100s lol.
  14. Trav357

    Trav357 Member

    Feb 2, 2008
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    Oh! Thinly veiled facism! O! 'Tis sad, yet so true...

    George Orwell is rolling in his grave...
  15. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    I wish I had never started. But, If I'm gonna smoke the government could bloody well leave me alone. We don't have a public smoking ban yet, but they're lobbying to get it outlawed in bars and restaurants here.

    Freedom of choice is a dead concept. All these bimbos in town complaining about the smoke... ugh. If you don't like the smoke, don't go where there's smoke. Simple as that.
  16. varnull

    varnull Guest

    We are losing 27 bars and pubs A DAY in the UK since this stupid law was passed.. That's 200 minimum wage jobs lost forever, not to mention the revenue in alcohol duty that is being lost because smokers are staying home now and buying booze cheap from supermarkets. I haven't been in a bar since this stupidity started.. and it's saved me a fortune which I can enjoy spending on illegal drugs and illegally smuggled tobacco and booze... hahaha.. who's laughing now?
  17. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Eh, wow. There's posts from me in this thread from when I was 16.

    18 now. Call me a stoner, but I just usually get a few good friends over on weekends and smoke herb and cigarettes till the room is full of thick smoke. We spend hours unable to move XD!!! Incense FTW!

    It's getting harder and harder to smoke in this town. Cops pulling too many kids over for having a pack of smokes or a 10 bag of pot. Meanwhile I know of 2 heroin dealers that have operated problem-free for years. Go figure. I'm no snitch though. They're good guys and give me good prices on my herb of choice :)

    I think I have the right to put what I want in my body. I get good grades and I work hard at my job. So if I want to smoke pot on the weekends or when I get home, I will.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2008
  18. Mik3h

    Mik3h Regular member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    I agree, weed should be de-criminalised at the very kleast, we should have freedom of choice, but the thing isl, we don't live in a free country, they make us think we do. So yeah decriminalize .. if that makes sense because im high right now! so woa.
  19. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    lol, that's the spirit :p

    Same for cigarettes. Freedom of choice is gone. I mean, some people don't even use their freedom of choice. Ban cigarettes in bars? You people have the freedom to make the choice to not go to the bar. If you don't like it, tough. Why are you going to the bar then?

    "Oh, please don't smoke here so I can get liver disease without breathing smoke."

    If people don't like to breathe smoke then they should buy their own beer and get drunk at home. It's not my problem that they don't like smoke.
  20. engage16

    engage16 Regular member

    Jul 17, 2005
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    seperate the smokers... have a section INSIDE where we can go and smoke and eat and bring our drinks with us... you know a few tables etc... then once we're done with our cigs we can go join the main part of the bar... cuz it sucks having to go outside in the middle of winter to have a smoke, during the summer, fine whatever...

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