If only that were true,but not too burst your bubble,but if you look around,you'll notice prices are in british pounds,and therefor it's skytv,yes but it's in the uk.I live in New Zealand,we also have skytv...and here's there website. http://www.skytv.co.nz/
There's no such thing as a THX DVD player. In order to use the THX Optimizer to calibrate your picture all you have to do is buy or rent one of the THX Disney discs (such as Toy Story or Finding Nemo) or one of the Star Wars Movies. Put the disc into your Xbox 360 and play the DVD. In one of the Menus you'll see the THX Optimizer - just click on it and it will take you through the process of adjusting your HDTV's picture for best performance. Here's a guide: http://www.thx.com/mod/products/dvd/optimizerIntro.html
Oh sorry about that. I don't know what those little symbols next to the price mean. That sucks. New Zealand has got to get some HD.
It really shouldn't look that bad at all. Try adjusting some of the picture settings to try and make it look nicer - remember every TV does require some tweaking to get nice natural skin tones and correct colour levels. So, just play around and see what works for you. Also getting some kind of digital box and setting it to use RGB scart or component will help tremedously. Regards, Joe.
yes probably,all the settings are on standard,the manual that came with the tv suggests that i do not change them any higher as it will be more prone to burn in. To bpitt:I completely agree!!!
@ skater685, Why don't you use your SCART connection? To my knowleg SCART can carry a high def signal. Does your tv have SCART connections? Something like this would work if it doesn't... http://www.tvcables.co.uk/cgi-bin/tvcables/PGV372.html What is SCART? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SCART Ced
Oh your right. It can't officially handle Component Video either. Although I wonder if anybody has ever tried HD over SCART...? Ced
I just received my Samsung 46" DLP HDTV and I have it hooked up via component cables. And guess what? My picture looks like crap too when the signal is not HD. I will post a pic when I get a chance. So even if your decoder had component outputs it probably would be better but not that much better on the standard channels. Your real problem is your satelite company. Keep calling them or sending emails and petition them to add HD as soon as possible. Pass the message along to your fellow New Zealanders (If thats even the correct term) so they can put pressure on your sattelite company also.