no. boot up xbox and wait until the microsoft logo appear under XBOX. Then quickly remove IDE cable from xbox hdd and connect the one from PC to it. Then press any key to continue load windows. Do not turn off xbox.
so right when the microsoft logo comes up take it the little white words? can i take it out when it's blank?? the microsoft logo doesnt even appear it goes straight to the error scren Im guessing im FUx0red
for the last point, y wont the softmod xbox be aable to read it still? what if i remove the password?
no. microsoft have to appear. If you talk it out to early, the hdd is not unlock yet. if too late, the error code shows up and hdd is lock again. what error code now
i have no clue i was tryin 2 install a softmod with krayzie softmod or something like that it told me to insert my slayers disk then installed some files the i kept getting an error message then i plugged out that xbox 2 plug in the other 1 and the i get error 16 now the website was and another theory if i plug in the softmod drive into the mod drive then put in the slayers disc to get ftp ability then restore the drive like that?
You can try but I let you know. The modded xbox will not read the softmod xbox hdd. anyway you have to see the microsoft logo shows up. it is white.
i swear to god the microsoft words dont come up i wish i had a video cam to show u it goes straight to error 16
damn it. the xbox can't set clock. And it won't unlock the hdd. when the X and XBOX shows up. how long it stays there before showing error.
You can read the xboxhdm tutor on my page. just follow the link in my sig. It may help you. Otherwise you need modchip. I gotto go now. I be back later.
Xboxhdm will take care of lock and unlock hdd. So you dont need config magic. If you can follow this tutor, you xbox will save.
OMG so it will unlock it for me? can i just install the xbox drive straight to my pc? actually take it our and install it like a regular 1?? for xboxhdm do i just put the original xbox dash files that i d/l from that x-b-o-x site into the linux folder of xbox hdm? and the eeprom.bin?? where do i get that from??