Softmodding an Xbox Tutorial

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by jonbtrini, Jun 22, 2005.

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  1. alinares

    alinares Regular member

    Feb 6, 2005
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    yeah i guess your right slith i don't want to end up paying another $30

    PINKGNU Guest

    WOW JON and you fucko's, who think your all cool because you know what the fusk these homos are talkin about, can just shut the fusk UP, YOU GOD DAMN FUCKOs. JUst because you douche bags cant answer a fusking simple question straight out like a normal person would do you idiots tell us were dumb and we should fuckin read well fusk you i have read this shitty tut and it skips many things and is unclear and most others so why dont you just help us instead of telling us were stupid or somthing u Pieces of SHIT.
  3. BiggJake

    BiggJake Guest

    What does a Linux Installer do? I was cruesing through my action replay looking at stuff and i saw that at the top and wanted to know what it was good for or used for?

    PS. Im still stuck at i need to downgrade to dash 1420 or something like that or upgrade to some file with .xbe at the end. Need Help still.

    @ Jon - I did what you told me too do got a game got the content downloaded off of it and then i put in 007 and triing to modded the xbox but still had the same problem.

    AIM: BiggJake28


    GT: BiggJake
  4. Fury23

    Fury23 Guest

    When i download the ldot itools package it states that the status is 'waiting to retry'

    can someone tell me how long it will take
  5. alinares

    alinares Regular member

    Feb 6, 2005
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    jon man whats the difference between the mechassault ltools because there is two version's one is v1.7.5 and the other is v1.8 can you tell me
  6. cybershot

    cybershot Member

    May 20, 2005
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    regarding my previous question on error 13......
    yes i know they *can* fix it, but my question is *how* can they fix it. b/c if they can do it, im sure i can learn some way or another.
    but ill try asking them once their done on how they did it
  7. cybershot

    cybershot Member

    May 20, 2005
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  8. Fury23

    Fury23 Guest

    can somebody please help me with my previous question
    i will restate it:
    When i choose to download the Ldot Itools Package v-1.7.5 for Mech Assault
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2005
  9. WizardWW2

    WizardWW2 Guest


    how do i tell the difference between PAL and NTSC?
    In xbins there is only 1 ltools1.7.5 for mechassault so where can i get the ntsc version?
  10. jonbtrini

    jonbtrini Regular member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    I just want to show the epitome of a jackass:

    First of all dumbass, i don't think i'm all cool...i'm a damn geek if i'm on here with a thread about how to mod an xbox. Idiot. Second of all, I WILL NOT baby ANYBODY around, ESPECIALLY if the answer to their damn question is ALREADY answered either in my tutorial or in other posts on this thread. Your lazy ass can read a little and DO SOME DAMN WORK for a change instead of trying to be spoon fed everything. And lastly, my tutorial is FANTASTIC and anybody with half a brain about modding who does a little READING before just half ass attempting it would be able to follow the tut easily...but thanks for your input! Heheh...
  11. WizardWW2

    WizardWW2 Guest


    how do i tell the difference between PAL and NTSC?
    In xbins there is only 1 ltools1.7.5 for mechassault so where can i get the ntsc version?

    Can u pls answer sonn my friends and i are having a modding party to see who has the best mods in about 10 hours (they also check to see whose is the coolest thats why i went to this forum oh and by the way jon ur tut kicks ass)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2005
  12. Phathod

    Phathod Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    I dont think you guys understand my problem. I know that i need to install ude1 or whatever but i cant get to wheere i need to install ok.

    Heres what i did. I loaded my splinter cell and started linux. It is started. It gives me options but i dont know what options to select. Ive seen images of mechassualt evoX and splinter cell looks different. It doesnt just have an option to install ude1 you have to go through some menus but i dont know which one. Ive read the entire tut at least 8 times and since it only covers mech assualt it doesnt help me with the splinter cell evoX dashboard.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2005
  13. BiggJake

    BiggJake Guest

    What does a Linux Installer do? I was cruesing through my action replay looking at stuff and i saw that at the top and wanted to know what it was good for or used for?

    PS. Im still stuck at i need to downgrade to dash 1420 or something like that or upgrade to some file with .xbe at the end. Need Help still.

    @ Jon - I did what you told me too do got a game got the content downloaded off of it and then i put in 007 and triing to modded the xbox but still had the same problem.

    AIM: BiggJake28


    GT: BiggJake
  14. cybershot

    cybershot Member

    May 20, 2005
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    regarding my previous question on error 13......
    yes i know they *can* fix it, but my question is *how* can they fix it. b/c if they can do it, im sure i can learn some way or another.
    but ill try asking them once their done on how they did it
  15. WizardWW2

    WizardWW2 Guest

    @cyber they probably just replace ur harddrive
  16. Slith

    Slith Guest


    You know asswipe, you don't have to use this tutorial. The reason jon and I tell people to read, is because quite frankly, we've gotten tired of answering the same questions over and over. Most of the time, I feel like I'm talking to a ten year old with ADHD.

    And no one thinks they're cool. Jon is cool to me, because of his awesome tutorial that was so easy to use. But none think they are cool. We've got brains, that's all I can say.

    @people with questions about versions:

    Just use the version that Jon's tutorial uses. It will be easier to understand that way.

    If you are confused about NTSC and PAL, just think of Sony Computer Entertainment of America for NTSC and Sony Computer Entertainment of Europe for PAL.

    NOTE: I may be using Sony as an example but it follows along the same lines for Microsoft.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2005
  17. Pcheck

    Pcheck Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    i dont under stand jons tut is the begining so can anyone tell me how to softmod my xbox
  18. WizardWW2

    WizardWW2 Guest

    ok well the party is posponed for me but im pretty sure i have ntsc because there is only one file of ltool 1.7.5 for mechassault i was on another site and they said it might be that the action replay memory card corrupted the game save seeing as how they have been known to but i am wondering if this is correct
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2005
  19. jonbtrini

    jonbtrini Regular member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    @WizardWW2 - This is possible, however, I have NEVER had any problems with my Action Replay memory card...knock on wood...
  20. WizardWW2

    WizardWW2 Guest

    well that seems to be the only explination so im gunna go with that because im using the same download u did
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