I cant put a few 6min videos on my ipod that i DLed from limewire. Can you guys just put a few of your method steps so i can follow them? I tryed 3 of my methods. 2 of which normaly work. The 3rd almost like destroyed my Ipod, lol. File info: They all range from 3-6min. (exept one which is 6 secs.) I want to put them under music vidoes (they are not, but i dont feel like creating a new folder when i dont use the music video folder The music video flder is now my random $!&# folder! ) 2 are in MPEG and the rest in MPG. ( i think both are exepted formats for the Ipod) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Just give me a few more methods to try. It sounds like me to skip an easy step.
The easy step you skipped is transcoding them. Just because they are mp4 videos, doesn't necessarily mean they are compatible, as there is only a certain range of .mp4 that the iPod can cope with (<2500kbps video, 128kbps mp3 audio, 30fps etc--) Check my guide for info on how to convert your videos http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/244629 dkmopq has a great tutorial also, which is located here http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/253137
well, i am lacking more knowledge & information. lol. I put 3 videos though PQ DVD. Only 1 of them would itunes take. The one which is 6 seconds in MPEG.
Try reducing the length of the name of the video to something really short (maybe a five-letter word), and then try importing it. (*note you can always change the tag back to it's correct name once you have imported
That should be the solution. It's a common problem with Videos transcoded using third party applications.