Hi guys, I have a Sony standalone player with 5.1 suuround system. It plays DVDs and ripped DVDs well, but I want it to play CDR or CDRW (d/l divx movies from internet and burn them to a CDR or make them a Video CD) The player doesnt accept it and it behaves as if there is no CD in drive. Is there a way to fix this?
Hi, I know this problem because I had a Sony-DVD-Player (the S335). You have to use the only two brands of cd-r that works with a Sony. These are Princo and Vivastar. Or you can use mostly every available CD-RW. They all worked fine with my player. And off course you can not play DivX-Video without converting it to (S)VCD before. SVCD wouldn´t be a good idea for an older Sony (like mine) because this format is not supported by those players. My best solution: I sold my Sony at ebay (for about 110 Euro) and bought a new Cyberhome DVD-302 (for 99 Euro ). This machine is great!! Nearly every format and CD-R is supported. CU, Petjek