Sounds to me like someone has more money than sense ;-) Anyway, I prefer HD-DVD. Yay for 30GB dual layer DVDs!
No, I just think I'm kidding myself if I think I'm not going to eventually get both systems. Now, buying both BluRay and HDDVD stand alone players...that makes no sense. Right now at least.
If I was to get one it would be a 360, becos I like driving games for console. And also HD DVD plays in a normal dvd plaer I think so no need for a PS3 to play them
Meh whatever, to be honest I don't really care And no, I meant ps3 becos it has a hd dvd drive. would apply to both consoles... Anyway, whatever.
Well it looks like they are releasing titles for HD-DVD and Blu Ray.Example tomorrow (Monday) Mission Impossible 3 is being released on DVD,HD-DVD and Blu-Ray.So it looks like both formats are here to stay.
Microsoft should have included the software in there machine, instead of us having to go buy an externel player.
I am wondering that you know when BluRay or HD-DVD or both become mainstream it will be expensive but will DVD get kicked out? Because if BR and HDDVD have a capacity of 20gig or more and thats how much the movies take up it will kind of hard to be sharing movies then wont it, I mean through p2p apps that is and BT.