gus738 Dont forget that you need a new BR drive to read a 4+ layer disc,thus hurting it,BR also has piss poor codecs BR right now only has the 25GB for single layer going for it. HD DVD has 15/30 GB and have a DVD layer that can be used and its multi layer work better with current readers,basically HD DVD has its sht working,BR is still half on paper besides size wont matter if the cost is 3X as much as a 15GB disc.
There are a few 50 Gig dual layer BD releases already - Click and Unforgiven come to mind. Some of the BluRay releases have caught up with HD-DVD in terms of picture quality especially those released on both formats and presumably encoded from the same master and sometimes using the same codec. Tears of the Sun is an excellent transfer and surprisingly encoded in MPEG-2.
dblbogey7 true true but BR DL just got done acouple months ago was not stable until then,HD DVD has headway but BR is gaining on them,really stop and look at it the only real diffrance in the formats is on paper only 0-o
I actually read that there is already a new format (media) on the way that can play both BluRay and HD-DVD, but for the life of me, I can't remember where I read it, but as soon as I find it again, I'll post a link.
yeah i heard of other formate as well or media? .... n e ways as far as the cost goes ... well an ex crt tube tv are costy for production why? cuz they are pro quality so the same rule applie here u pay for pro quality and you gotta pay pro price lol .... but yea we'll see who wins
Forgive the newbie question, but are there any other up and coming formats besides BlueRay and HD-DVD?
Nah not really just those two which will go to war for the next 5 years. And those Blu Ray burners cost 1 thousand(, but prices will drop soon. Like always technology always advances no one will care about the old stuff.
blue ray burners are 7 hundred ish on .... haha theirs a blue ray burner but not a hd dvd burner lol
6Ripper9 I believe you are thinking of the holographic disk.
Ricoh has developed a laser that can read both HD-DVD and BluRay:,2933,203718,00.html NEC has developed a chip that can be used in hybrid players:,39029670,49284277,00.htm Warner Brothers has developed a hybrid BluRay and HD-DVD disc:
lol no just no... I mean they could be universal, but dvd +r and dvd-r are alot more similar. THan blu-ray and hd-dvd.
me,i am not worried about blu-ray disk's i am just going to glue a couple of dvd-9 together,....... that should work..... right? lmao