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Speed of CCE and Rebuilder

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by Blighter, Dec 5, 2005.

  1. Blighter

    Blighter Regular member

    May 18, 2004
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    Erm...also, i see no option for "low priority mode"? Any ideas?
  2. DemonDog

    DemonDog Regular member

    Jun 12, 2004
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    Intel's Hyperthreading sets up two "virtual" cpu's, which helps on some tasks not others. CCE Basic will use two REAL cpu's/cores and use them both at 100%, so if you have two REAL cpu's then CCE will run much faster. My 2.5GHz AMD64 X2 is six to eight times faster on the same movies as my old 2.0 GHz Intel P4 machine. Also the nF4 raid controller has great performance and scalabilty, the 500GB Hitachi Raid 0 video drive (2 x 250GB SATAII Hitachi's in Raid 0, stripped array) has throughput close to that of a SCSI server system as measured by HDTach and ATTO, so that's an improvement over the P4 system as well.
  3. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Finally someone gets it. Thanks and you are correct.
  4. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    @ blighter did you set-up any kind of auto scan/updates for over night alot of ppl set these tasks for "off peak hours" so to speak, but I've seen alot of ppl running cce and there "auto" features unintentially mainly because they forgot they set-up those features during initial config. just an idea! also cce is configured to use 100% of your processor!

    @ soph as far as my imagination I rarely have time for daydream's but I do have a strong urge to know the truth instead of relying on dated info this is why I have conducted these test you may not benefit from them but some will!
    I think cinema craft's main motives for posting this info is due to it's proficiency in using 100% of your processor leaving no unused cycles or portion's there of?? I guess this is the very thing I wished to test!

    I think it's the fsb and cache bandwidth that limited early p.c.'s w/ht technology! but once again time marches on!

    @demondog calm down! no one say's that my p.c. is better than yours??
    I don't know if I angered you in some way but my intent was not to offend! if you are not angry maybe it's just the vibe of our friendly forum here bleeding through!
    I don't have to put the 3.6 dual core processor and 2gb's worth of ram on the main to know that it would blow my current configuration out of the water!

    well once again I will humbly step-down

    for any one interested in experimentation and test result's (as opposed to argueing!) I have posted them here -> http://www.dvdhounds.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1861&postcount=1

    I hope that someone will join me in running there own test as this is the only true way to grow!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2005
  5. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Baloney! No company gets into self debates for the sake of losing. LOL

    Answer me this? We have a processor that is being asked to use up all of its resources (100%)processing on a single channel. And then it is suddenly asked to multiply itself by two with nothing left. In effect it's dividing itself into nothing and a division of nothing begets nothing. With nothing left to build on, where do the gains come from?
  6. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    true indeed no company will wittingly put it's reputation in jeopardy (especially a tech co.) precisely the reason I would not endorse using new technology that is yet to be perfected w/out thorough testing!
    as for there debate it is non-existant they simply stated that they did not reccomend it!

    the thing about the test that really peaked my interest is that if it is as you say the processor is divided into two equal and seperate entities relying on a physical cpu then the processor usage would equal half 50% unless the data transfer rate was limited to less by the bandwidth of the bus or cache or sim.
    yet my processor showed 75%-85% the entirety of the encode quite a big jump from 50%
    the use of re-clycling threads is what I presume is happening! I've read there was a big stir when xp was designed to handle this in a more productive manner than windows 2000! kinda mispercieved because of the use of two equal graphs in task manager
    there is more tech put into it via bigger bandwidths and better data execution methods now than ever
  7. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Have you ever knowingly pissed into the wind before? LOL

    No thing can exceeds its limits. You can't pump 2 gallons per hour through a 1 gallon per hour pipe.
  8. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    btw I have written a pm to blighter appologizing personally for "hijacking" this thread I just thought it would be good to add a public appology because this is all to frequent on this forum and

    I've seen nothing from him or his post that would have deemed this necessary my good sir if you wish to recieve any further help pm me or almost any of the posters in this thread as most are very knowlegable but I think it may be over looked if you started a completely new thread!

  9. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    I'm also going to publicly appologize for continueing soph's miseducation!

    the pipe is made of an unyet tested polymer of which when heated expands at an alarming rate to the point that it's girth is doubled beyond any fathomable measurement's exponentially decreasing it's restriction's on the l8imit of pressure by allowing for pliability maximized by the fluxometer rating applied during manufacturing of it's scientifically constructed nuclear peptide induced synthesization of the fully grounded iodized current relied upon for the gromitizing techniques used for the sole purpose of breathability!

    or it uses a second virtual pipe you understand??
  10. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Truth is!
  11. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

  12. Blighter

    Blighter Regular member

    May 18, 2004
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    So what are these settings that i can change to optimise the speed of rebuilder? I've left everything at it's default pretty much (although i remove subtitles and audio from other languages, and remove DTS)...Oh, i change the skin, but i very much doubt that that has any effect on the performance.

    I use CCE SP also, if that helps?
  13. Blighter

    Blighter Regular member

    May 18, 2004
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    So what are these settings that i can change to optimise the speed of rebuilder? I've left everything at it's default pretty much (although i remove subtitles and audio from other languages, and remove DTS)...Oh, i change the skin, but i very much doubt that that has any effect on the performance.

    I use CCE SP also, if that helps?
  14. Blighter

    Blighter Regular member

    May 18, 2004
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    sorry for the repeated message...

    Forgot to mention - i don't leave anything scanning over night...
  15. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Since I know without any doubt whatsoever that hyper threading does not work with CCE and you say it does, then whose mis-education are we continuing. You've stated it yourself, CCE uses 100% of a CPU's resorces on a single thread which leaves no room for it to divide the work up into two threads. Hyper threading only works if there are some unused CPU cycles left but when using CCE there is none left so hyper threading won't and can't work. Other CPU intensive uses also suffer a slowdown when hyper threading is enabled. Only a true dual processor system or a dual core processor can do that.




    Here's Cinema Craft Encoders CPU compatibility chart. You'll note that hyperthreading is listed as unsupported.
  16. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Which version of RB are you using?

    If you have other applications running in the background turn them off while processing.
  17. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    here's one for those that refuse to read because they know it all!

    I will reiterate my self once as it seems to be what all the cool kids are doing!

    I believe this a possible explanation to your arguement that cce say's so so I don't have to think!

    this is a nice way of reply to your misconception of how hyperthreading works re-cycling is all it does!

    are you saying that the short sided will continue to argue afound here instead of reading supplied test result's and supplying there own where are your test results soph oh yeah you don't use a machine that has ht! so what is this just argument to you??? I'm right at all cost?? even if it blinds me and those around me!

    umm this is very disheartening I thought you of all ppl was an opened minded one!

    first of all I never said [bold]I know that ht works and you are wrong nor have I belittled you in your umm pursuit for knowledge??
    in any kind of way[/bold] I actually invited everybody to run there own testing to verify that mine was not just an anomolie or fluke!

    since you have not run any personal test you must have invented ht technology??? or maybe the author of cce??
    I don't know but I'm sure glad to have had this conversation w/ you even though I did extensive testing and devoted hrs to overseeing details and minding them to make sure the results were unbiased, that state the opposite I now know that you are right and any more posting in this thread is fruitless!

    so finally what color is the sky soph because I'm not sure whether or not to trust my eyes but I now know you are alway's right!

    I know I will never get that answer because if I've learned anything it's that you are not going to read the entirety of this post just pick the parts you don't agree w/ and call me a moron or something equally disgraceful to us both!
  18. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I never said that the processor divided into two equal entities, I said that the second thread makes use of unused CPU cycles and since there are no unused cycles using CCE there will be no effective second thread. The problem with hyper threading is that it often tries to make use of what isn't there and that results in a slowdown nit a speedup.

    I would appreciate it if you toned down your language and stopped making it personal. If you feel that Cinema Craft Encoders web site is wrong then go tell them about it and if they side with you then so will I. There are numerous explanations for Rockas' success and you have to consider that CCE plays only a part of the process. Avisynth, RB, and DGDecode are all single threaded.

    Rockas' experiment is flawed somewhere because the differences that he posted "50 minutes" or an almost doubling of the encode speed wouldn't even happen with a true smp system with dual core or dual procs. BTW, there's a difference between being open minded and in search of the truth and just being argumentative for the sake of an arguments. I will continue to take the side of CCE's people because they are more likely to know if it will work or not. If not then test it yourself, I did.
  19. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    I digress sometimes I have to be reminded just how tight I am wound!!

    appologies all around
    I must have read to much into your post!
    I was just revamping an old theory to test the improvement's in both intel's support of ht and the manufacturer's improved knowledge of enabling usage of this feature even when using single threaded applications!
    I will take suggestions on my test to make sure the test is not flawed!

    I remember a time when I was actually known as the cat that curiousity could not kill

    and I have found this too
    Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it. ~Andre Gide
    this was quoted from a wise man that quoted a wise man!

    p.s. could you reveal the results of your test!
  20. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    When I pull my p4 out of the mothballs I can run it again. LOL

    brobear has a P4 Northwood which should render decent results, ask him if he will test with you. As it is with the coming Procoder versus CCE test and hyperthreading test no one will have a break.

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