Splinter Cell Linux Save... **NO EMAIL ADDRESSES**

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by gamami, Oct 28, 2005.

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  1. flatline

    flatline Member

    Jan 23, 2006
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    i tried tht one but it must not work because once you open splinter cell and go to the linux profile and go to check points, the game freezes. I waited 15 mins for something to come up but nothing did
  2. Eddie117

    Eddie117 Guest

    Thanx david for helping out my friend.
  3. Shadow458

    Shadow458 Guest


    Step one:downlad my action replay files to your memory card then put it in your xbox controller and then go to memory on your xbox then open tht then move your thumb stick up to where it shows your memory card and press A then it should show both linuxes on your memory card tht look like a swirl then click on those and download them to your xbox.

    Step two: when done downloading them on to your xbox go to all your splitercell saves and delete them all except the linux file or the linux wont wrok. Then you put in splinter cell and then go to start game then click on linux and then check points and you should have your xbox at the Evox dashboard.

    Step three: go down to the xbox system utilits(utilities) and click on tht then find your IP address and write it down on a pieace of paper.

    Sept four:ftping your xbox go to your computer and go to internet explorer and type in ftp:// then right after tht write your IP address and an error should come up once you have entered(make sure you have your Ethernet cord pluged in at all times) click ok then go to the top write and and click file-login as then the user name and the password name are both xbox.

    Step five: a lot of folders should be up on the screen with letters ,click the E folder, other folder should come up click the one tht says tdata ,others folders should come up again click the one tht ends in 64. now 2 more folders shloud should come up click the one tht looks likes this $c then there should be three more folders and those three folders contain all the new 9 maps for halo2 if you click on one there will either be 2 or 5 maps in each folder and you can tell tht they the files in the folder are maps because they end with .map

    Step six: your done with tht for right now but dont exit it. So now make a folder on your desktop called clean maps and copy all the 9 maps to it then make another folder called modded maps and use those for when you mod them and NEVER USE THE CLEAN MAPS FOR MODS!!!!

    here is my web site for some more things :):):):):):)
  4. Shadow458

    Shadow458 Guest


    Step one:downlad my action replay files to your memory card then put it in your xbox controller and then go to memory on your xbox then open tht then move your thumb stick up to where it shows your memory card and press A then it should show both linuxes on your memory card tht look like a swirl then click on those and download them to your xbox.

    Step two: when done downloading them on to your xbox go to all your splitercell saves and delete them all except the linux file or the linux wont wrok. Then you put in splinter cell and then go to start game then click on linux and then check points and you should have your xbox at the Evox dashboard.

    Step three: go down to the xbox system utilits(utilities) and click on tht then find your IP address and write it down on a pieace of paper.

    Sept four:ftping your xbox go to your computer and go to internet explorer and type in ftp:// then right after tht write your IP address and an error should come up once you have entered(make sure you have your Ethernet cord pluged in at all times) click ok then go to the top write and and click file-login as then the user name and the password name are both xbox.

    Step five: a lot of folders should be up on the screen with letters ,click the E folder, other folder should come up click the one tht says tdata ,others folders should come up again click the one tht ends in 64. now 2 more folders shloud should come up click the one tht looks likes this $c then there should be three more folders and those three folders contain all the new 9 maps for halo2 if you click on one there will either be 2 or 5 maps in each folder and you can tell tht they the files in the folder are maps because they end with .map

    Step six: your done with tht for right now but dont exit it. So now make a folder on your desktop called clean maps and copy all the 9 maps to it then make another folder called modded maps and use those for when you mod them and NEVER USE THE CLEAN MAPS FOR MODS!!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2006
  5. Shadow458

    Shadow458 Guest

    srry about posting it 2 times i didnt see it the first time
    plus i forgot to put my site on it
  6. Shadow458

    Shadow458 Guest

    you can also get the action replay saves at my website!!:):):):):)
  7. playhalo2

    playhalo2 Member

    Oct 11, 2005
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    hey could you send me this save? and i had a question for anybody who knows- is there ANY way to 1. ftp your xbox without softmodding, or 2. softmod very easily with hardly any risks? (oh email is removed) please don't anybody spam me it's really annoying to clear it out. thanx

    edit by mod -
    - are you having a chuckle - you lot are the spammers with your damn email addies on public forums. sheesh
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2006
  8. evoxslaya

    evoxslaya Guest

    No email addresses! also by saying 'plz don't spam me' you're just asking for trouble. 1. no you cannot ftp your xbox without softmodding it. 2. this is the safest method using SID and AID.
  9. wr6739

    wr6739 Regular member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    You can run the softmod installer or an autoinstaller and ftp into your xbox without installing the softmod, just go to settings and find the ip and you can ftp from that dash w/o actually installing it.
  10. Shadow458

    Shadow458 Guest

    ya thts exactly what i do it is relly easy!!

    Register for me website!!! please

    removed - sorry for pimping my own site
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2006
  11. trip

    trip Guest

    holey crap dude i didnt know u could do that thats awsome ima do that so i can get the dash and everything.......of course in the installer u set the ip and ftp setting?
  12. Eddie117

    Eddie117 Guest

    ow do u bridge anyone? please tell me !
  13. hunt1

    hunt1 Member

    Jan 27, 2006
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    Hey send those files to me heres my hotmail

    Last edited: Feb 25, 2006
  14. wr6739

    wr6739 Regular member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    I uploaded the saves to rapidshare because of size, in the download type box click free and it should bring you to a page that says "Download-Ticket reserved. Please wait _ seconds" and you can start the download after that reaches 0. The saves are compressed (.zip) so you will have to unzip the main Softmod.Installer.Deluxe.v2.0.zip file then copy the SID.Splinter.Cell.v2.0.NTSC.Xbox-Hq.zip save and the SID.Splinter.Cell.v2.0.Xbox-Hq.zip save to your action replay. Here's the link http://rapidshare.de/files/11685468/Softmod.Installer.Deluxe.v2.0.zip.html
  15. newbmodd

    newbmodd Guest

    i was following the tut on this page 12 and i got to step four when it says type in ftp;// then your ip adress i did that, and i got a list of websites that i should go to for ftp'ing is this wrong and which ethernet cord are you talking about because i dont have a router can i still softmod my xbox?
  16. wr6739

    wr6739 Regular member

    Jun 1, 2005
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  17. trip

    trip Guest

    hey if anyone would happen to have slayers autoinstaller plz send it to me or just give me a link after u upload it some where cause i need it for my dashboardless xbox
  18. newbmodd

    newbmodd Guest

    hay wr6739 do you have an aim to help me out.
  19. Shadow458

    Shadow458 Guest

    your suspose to type in at the top of internet explorer


    #=what ever your ip address is and you can find it when you go into your system utilities when you have evox on
  20. Shadow458

    Shadow458 Guest


    Step one:downlad my action replay files to your memory card then put it in your xbox controller and then go to memory on your xbox then open tht then move your thumb stick up to where it shows your memory card and press A then it should show both linuxes on your memory card tht look like a swirl then click on those and download them to your xbox.

    Step two: when done downloading them on to your xbox go to all your splitercell saves and delete them all except the linux file or the linux wont wrok. Then you put in splinter cell and then go to start game then click on linux and then check points and you should have your xbox at the Evox dashboard.

    Step three: go down to the xbox system utilits(utilities) and click on tht then find your IP address and write it down on a pieace of paper.

    Sept four:ftping your xbox go to your computer and go to internet explorer and type in ftp:// then right after tht write your IP address and an error should come up once you have entered(make sure you have your Ethernet cord pluged in at all times) click ok then go to the top write and and click file-login as then the user name and the password name are both xbox.

    Step five: a lot of folders should be up on the screen with letters ,click the E folder, other folder should come up click the one tht says tdata ,others folders should come up again click the one tht ends in 64. now 2 more folders shloud should come up click the one tht looks likes this $c then there should be three more folders and those three folders contain all the new 9 maps for halo2 if you click on one there will either be 2 or 5 maps in each folder and you can tell tht they the files in the folder are maps because they end with .map

    Step six: your done with tht for right now but dont exit it. So now make a folder on your desktop called clean maps and copy all the 9 maps to it then make another folder called modded maps and use those for when you mod them and NEVER USE THE CLEAN MAPS FOR MODS!!!!

    New Web Site mine got hacked!!!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2006
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