Splinter cell softmod. help plz.

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by monster1, Aug 24, 2005.

  1. angus07

    angus07 Member

    Oct 2, 2005
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    ok after downloadding the modded maps do u have to put on ppf o matic?
    and if so it says must have ISO file to open...what is that and what file do i use?
  2. darkturds

    darkturds Guest

    hey ever time i try to put the splinter cell thing in my action replay it says it is not a xbox save and it won't let me do anything
  3. sean11901

    sean11901 Guest

    you need winrar then download the save from my site then open winrar then drag them across to action replay /my site is
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2005
  4. darkturds

    darkturds Guest

    ok now what do i do i installed winra and i don't know what to do exactly
  5. darkturds

    darkturds Guest

    when i highlight the two of the things in the folder and try to put it in my action replay. then it doesn't do anything it just sits there doing nothing. i am sorry about me asking these questions but i am the newbiest of all newbes with stuff.(please reply)
  6. darkturds

    darkturds Guest

    everytime i go to ur web i don't no what thread to go to and i posted somthing under splintercell and it says basically what i been saying here. if u can tell me what to do after i installed warar and have the documents open.
  7. darkturds

    darkturds Guest

    i think it will be easier to tell me on aim. my thing is darkturd02.
  8. sean11901

    sean11901 Guest

    take the fils from winrar then drag them to action replay
  9. Suicidal

    Suicidal Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    I have many different modding programs on my computer only I can't use them. Every time it is going to load them it says "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000135). Click on OK to terminate the application." What can I do to fix this?
  10. Suicidal

    Suicidal Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    Nevermind guys i figured it out all i had to do was get the .net framework. If anyone has some sweet ppf for spawn modding or some other cool one send me a message and maybe we can trade some. I have some preety cool ones that you might want.
  11. sean11901

    sean11901 Guest

  12. jackprat

    jackprat Guest

    hi,i use smart ftp and where it says yourserver.com your supposed to replace it with something,so do i type my xbox ip address in there?
  13. Sandmastr

    Sandmastr Member

    Oct 30, 2005
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    Ok im a noob at using ppf-o-matic and FlashFXP. So i dont know how to transfer the normal maps onto my desktop from FlashFXP. Can someone tell me?
  14. sturly09

    sturly09 Regular member

    Sep 4, 2005
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    wow.... so many retards trying to figure out to mod at the same time... i say we screw em'... theres enough modders on live as there is yet people teach others how to mod all the time

    if we do teach em.. please dont share good mods with them... becuase then its really gay when u work hard to make your own and you get beat by ppf-whores who download and talk shit even tho they suck
  15. hobo420

    hobo420 Member

    Oct 11, 2005
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    is there anyway to mode becides useing the memory card? if so can you please help.
  16. mailhead6

    mailhead6 Guest

    anyone play runescape? my usename mailhead5 and if u want to play go to runescape.com u could plaY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. darkdeath

    darkdeath Member

    Oct 29, 2005
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    Hay, im able to get everything done except for the connection part done on flashfxp. I get the IP adress and the useranme and password and enter it in alright and as it should, but it wont connect? What are some reaosn for this and what can i do to fix it. Someone please help.
  18. darkdeath

    darkdeath Member

    Oct 29, 2005
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    Hay,you know where the green light appears on your xbox, hte button that opens the disk tray, welll that ligth will stay green for baout 20 seconds and then goes flashing red and green? Why, and it sends my xbox to a screen with japapneese writting?????
  19. sturly09

    sturly09 Regular member

    Sep 4, 2005
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    okay sry everyone, i was alittle tense the day i sent mah last messege, the reason your gettin that screen is because the splintercell, mechassault, or agent under fire save that you used had a default in it, try the one on this website under softmod tut on the left, www.haloscene.net, as for the connecting, it has to be in the modded dashboard and it has to be under the same ip as the xbox, not your computer.... does your box even connect without trying to use flash fxp?
  20. jackprat

    jackprat Guest

    the light flashes red and green if theres no disk in the drive,because you have delted your xbox desktop,if you created a backup using the installer go back into the installer via the game you used and go to restore ms dash!!!

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