Hey Shoey, thanks for replying. the settings you mentioned were already checked.. so i know ita not that. any other ideas to what am doing wrong?? Take care PLC
I had the same problem: "CRC Error in cd2", but i fixed it with CDMAGE. First, scan your images for errors, then repair them, if some sectors wont be repaired then rebuild them. After that, run the setup and there comes some error messages: "the file blaablaa isn't the same as in the cab file" or something like that, click the ignore button in every error. After install you need a crack and thats it.
Sorry i accidently sumbmitted unfinished reply. ok heres my prob. I tried to scan for errors with CDMAGE as tommi suggested but i could not open my files (unknown image type) i guess because their BIN files. ok so i convertered them to ISO with Winiso. but i dont know how to scan for errors..the scan for curruption button is not clickable. what do i do. also what image type file do i select when i open file M1/2048(*.ISO)??
hi i think iso cant be scanned! i tried that! although i'm not clued up on cdmage! but i thought bin was able to be scanned and repaired? Thx..
You are correct in saying so... BIN files can be error checked via CDMage however ISOs cannot (note that my experience in using CDMage with ISOs is limited to Mode1/2048 ISOs -- it may scan other types of ISOs but im not sure)
Then why is it not recognizing my CD IMAGE?? i got a good copy of splinter cell..i almost install it successfully but i get the error on CD2 and thats why i wanna scan with CDMAGE for errors.. and yes, they are BIN files.
hi do the other bin files be seen in cdmage? for the link to highlight to make it clickable? cd1 and cd2? Thx..
Hey, all the bin files cant be seen with cdmage. thats why i chnaged to iso and now they can be seen by cdmage. the "Scan for curruptions" button or link is not clickable. but the other buttons are. so witht he Bin files it wont load unto the cdmage window. could my problem be that my BIN files have an extension "EXE" (CD1.BIN.EXE) at the end?? thnx
I got the same error.... Cyclic dadada... But it does not ask me to Retry, Abort or Ignore... it just closes the setup and asks me if I want to remove my saved games. Any clue of what is this about? I tried to pass my CD (CD2) content to my harddrive but get the same error when I try to copy it. The prob is with the file maps.SM0. Can someone tell me where to download this file or at least somewhere to find the directory structure of the game so I can try to install it manually ? Thanks !
OK now i am having the same problem only with the file "H:\sounds\throwobject.uax" now i am no expert but i feel that my download was good. I used a text file of someone who got it to work and all the filesizes are the same. can someone give very spesific directions on how to do this so it works.
I had the same problem with CD 2 on the map file. I basically ignored it and the result was that one of the maps, I believe the upper CIA levels, was corrupt. To rectify this problem, I just downloaded full, completed saved game, skipped the corrupt level and had no problems after that.
Hey Slayer101, I got the same message, seems it is a video problem. Got updated driver and now I get a different message. General protection fault! History: InitEngine and that is it. Still no game Video card = ATI rage 128
i have the same problems but mine says History: ULinkerLoad<<FName <- (LinkerLoad Transient.LinkerLoad114 2636113)) <- FObjectImport<< <- LoadImportMap <- ULinkerLoad::ULinkerLoad <- UObject::GetPackageLinker <- ULinkerLoad::VerifyImport <- ValidateImports <- ULinkerLoad::Verify <- ULinkerLoad::ULinkerLoad <- UObject::GetPackageLinker <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- (Engine.Level None.MyLevel 1_1_0Tbilisi) <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop end the error shows up after the training mission i have a 2.66 celeron compaq 512 mg ram any help will be aprecciated i got the game via p2p i burned the iso files with nero and the installation was not clean i had a couple error that i ignored
ok no video card i think i have a share memory since i have 512 in RAM but not sure and 9.0 directx ver. i really thanks this praetor what i think im gonna need a video card but i have no money for it like i said i really thank you any help if you can contact me by email would be awsome my emial is <<< please dont list your email addy here... it's for your own protection really -Praetor- >>> bye praetor
I can almost gurantee your anything short of a GeForce3 is gonna choke with SplinterCell. The 512MB may help bit still... Splinter Cell is a rough game as far as offical requirements and "effective requirements" go. ===== To determine your system specs; goto Start --> Run, Type dxdiag and click OK. Your CPU (processor), Memory and DirectX version is listed on the System tab. Your video card specifcations can be found under the Display tab under Name and Chip Type. Your soundcard is listed under the Sound tab in the Name field.