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Split 1 large MP3 into multiple tracks

Discussion in 'Audio' started by Martyzzz, May 29, 2004.

  1. keeponb

    keeponb Member

    Jun 4, 2004
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    I have an entire album in Mp3 form and I want to burn it to a CD-R with tracks. Right now, it is just one big track. How do I separate it into accessible tracks? Thanks
  2. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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  3. Mick69

    Mick69 Guest

    keeponb if u just want to extract mp3z out of a mp3 cd use isobuster u cant go wrong with it.


  4. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I blieve what he wanted to do was to cut individual songs for an album wrap. An album wrap is a stream recording that records all the individual songs into one large single file. What he is trying to do is break up the file by cutting each individual song out of it. The link I gave him to Mp3 cutter is the right kind of application to do just that. You recommned a data recovery app and I'm not sure how that would do the job because he hasn't lost any data. If you do then perhaps you should explain a litte further.
  5. Mick69

    Mick69 Guest

    i know what he was asking sophocles, and isobuster is able to extract mp3z from a mp3 disc, its a no brainer. and no isobuster is not only used for datarecovery, its a multi purpose tool.

    anyways load up the mp3disc into isobuster, automatically the individual tracks will be shown, all you have to do then is select them all, or just some selected tracks that u want from the disc, right click and hit extract, and its as easy as that.
  6. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    The point is that there are no individual tracks, all the tracks are lumped together in one file that plays like one very long song. In order for him to seperate them he will have to hear every sound clearly and then try his best to find the audible break points because there are no actual break points between them. When he finds the beginning and ending points then he marks them with Mp3 cutter and then use the application to cut them out. In order for him to accompolish this he must be able to hear the muscic, so the applicatoin used must also be able to play mp3s. This is what Mp3 cutter was designed to do and its free.
  7. Mick69

    Mick69 Guest

    if your right thats a really stupid way to form a mp3 disc.

    thats not the way i make my mp3 dics, all my mp3 discs are made up of individaul mp3z ripped str8 from my albums. now keeponb you have the tedious job of going thru the disc and cutting ever single track out. with any software mp3cutter/mp3directcut its going to be a pain arse.
  8. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    It's a stream recording of an MP3 online radio station. When you make a stream recording you either stop and queue each song as you go, which is virtually impossible, (especially if they're playing an entie album)or you let it run. If you let it run then the silence between songs are recorded as part of the complete MP3 recording, which means you will have to manually slice them out later. The sound quality is usually at a good 128 bitrate and when converted back to PCM (wave) it can then be played on any stand alone CD player.
  9. dashelter

    dashelter Member

    Jul 3, 2004
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    GUYS..Here's the answer :
    Try CDWAVE at www.cdwave.com
  10. saveriosp

    saveriosp Member

    Jul 8, 2004
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    Hi. I recently discovered foobar2000 (I'm just back to windows from linux for hardware compatibility problems! I will go shotrly for a Mac!) and I think that the only solution to making out "tracks" from a whole --continuous-- file is to keep the file as a whole, and have a special index file, called "cue sheet", that explains where in the file the tracks are.

    Beware that mp3 does not support, AFAIK, exact seeking (i read it in the fb2k page) so it is a PITA to change from track to track, because you always have to seek into the file, there is no timestamping. Actually I use ogg, so no problem. BUT ogg is not compatible with my DVD, for now. So, im stuck with cables from PC to the stereo system...

    To find some cue sheet for some good music, find out Alex Hephaelion's site (google!) He does quite good mixes, and they all are long mp3's with accompanying cue sheet.



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