...ten years. I haven't used this account in way too long and it tickles me to see it still here. Things are entirely different here! I received an email a while back that a bunch of forums were expunged but still available? Not sure of the full story, but this place used to have a monstrous fan community, one of which I need help from. Does anyone know of an active, devoted Star Trek forum that can answer seriously random questions? I'm writing something and don't know enough about Star Trek to make a believable character of a specific race. I understand if no one gets to this, but it was a fun run down memory lane. Thanks in advance guys.
Archived is what your first paragraph refers too,scroll down on forum home page web search for the second
Unfortunately, a Ctrl + F shows that those, along with many others, weren't evidently archived. Oh good the old, "I don't care enough about your question to give a helpful answer, but I want to make myself feel like I did something by telling you to do something basic you probably already did, so...Google it." Wow...tsk...good luck with whatever it is you're doing AfterDawn. Hope your traffic and user base improve. Much love.
Not possible to give an answer that you want since i don't belong to a star trek forum nor know any that can deal with the "specifics" of what you seek hence why my first posting was short & to the point nothing more nothing less,which is how majority of my posts are,well most of them,there are a few i got carried away on over the years & yep there's a few posters that got what was coming to them for asking stupid questions that'd been answered many times over,however this topic isn't one of them as it's an original,so rest assured if i was being an a/hole there'd be no question about it you'd know it,as the wording would imply it ..lmao.....*winks*