well duh! if the original trilogy was never made then it would have been a total suprise. not to mention, the empire scene where luke finds out vader was his dad wouldnt have been so exciting.
i'm gonna call social services, the original star wars is from when i was like 10 or so and i'll be scarred if anyone disses star wars
its from my era too, Im not dissing the franchise, Im just saying the suprises wouldnt be as meaningful if the movies were done in cronlogical order. I would say the final Obi-Won vs. Vader battle has a hell of alot more meaning after watching episode 1-3 though.
the best thing was, when i was ickl, i had no concept that episode 4 was the 4th film. it didn't register 'til i was like in my 20s or something
episode 4 as fond memories from my youth. i must be losing it, i'm sure i put that at start of thread, let me check...
yup, page 1 - . one more birthday and i'll be eligible to go around quoting one of my fave monty python sayings LMAO !
deezp 1 Take no offense as I am just stating the facts as I saw them. I was a little disappointed with the movie. I hope they do make number seven, and move on with a new story.
no offense taken, I know the acting was very wooden (except for Ewon McGregor), but to complete the store that I have been waiting many, many years to see was awesome. I think Lucas would of benifited in making the movie longer, because the book was excelent, but maybe there will be a special edition that will have a longer cut in it. episode 7-9 would be great. I would love to see luke step into the dark side and Im sure Mark Hamil would love to play the part too. I hope lucas can write up the premise and background and leave it to someone else to the script writing and directing because it is very apparent that he has lost it.
movie was lame. there was a lameass excuse to why Anakin turned to the darkside and Padme died too quickly. the movie felt forced rather than a natural progression. Acting was elementary and the actors sounded like they wanted to be somewhere else. Special effects was top notched as usual but u can't have a movie with just special effects. I agree it was better than the last two prequels. George Lucas should be banned from writing and directing another movie. If I have to see another panoramic view of the landscape one more time i'm going to puke.
how was that a lame excuse for him goin to the darkside? It was a perfect excuse. He loved her so much that he went to the darkside for her. And it generates a kind of sympathy for him.
I would not go as far as to say the movie is lame, but predictable. Though a good movie, less than what I expected.
Saw it, loved it. Couldn't believe the number of decapitations! I thought the story was put together well, although it did feel a little rushed at the end -- can't wait for Special Edition!! I hope they add a whole hour to it!! I think Ep. III is my favourite of the bunch; but let me explain myself. I didn't see any of the movies until highschool (mid 90s), and I didn't like them as much as Spaceballs (forgive my blaspheme! ) I did start to appreciate the movies as I saw them again and again (I went through several boyfriends that were all huuuuge fans!), but I couldn't really call myself a fan until Episode II won me over. It made the Star Wars universe really believable to me, and I really enjoyed the politics and the interactions between the characters. Episode I started the intrigue, but was riddled with silliness that was eye-rolling at best, annoying at worst (I know you know what I mean). Episode II was beautiful, funny without too much silliness, and really fills in the story a lot while leaving it to hang perfectly at the end. We see Anakin losing control, and we hate that side of him because we know it will be his downfall -- and yet we can't quite see how he could possibly turn into the coldly evil Vader ("There IS still good in him!") So now, Episode III is here, tying everything all together .. we see how the politics of I and II turn into the politics of IV/V/VI .... all the things we expected to happen, do happen: Padme has twins, Anakin becomes Vader and doesn't know there are twins, Threepio's memory gets erased, Yoda and Obiwan go into exile, we find out why Obi-wan disappears upon dying while Qui-gon did not (it took a little bit of thinking to piece it together, but the info IS revealed, I won't spoil it here), the Emperor becomes the visual icon we remember from the original three, and of course the whole deal with the Empire arising.. ... How can this movie NOT be my favourite?! It's everything II was, but to the nth degree, and with some great violence and drastically creepy evilness. So, I currently like them in the following order: III, II, VI, V, I, IV. However, this may change as I re-watch the original three -- I'm partway through rewatching IV (DVD revamp, with commentary ON) and am already seeing it in a whole new light. The fact that III immediately made me want to see IV again is a very good thing for a prequel Anyways, Star Wars rules, etc etc. Cheers!
Phantom Menance - 133 mins Attack of the Clones - 142 mins Revenge of the Sith - 120 mins A New Hope - 125 mins The Empire Strikes Back - 129 mins Return of the Jedi - 136 mins