Well if you asked that in the first place then someone would have attempted to help you, so here goes. Now if you have not flashed a box before, then the first thing that you need is to get used to the connectivity of your box and PC, so click on the link marked Eurovox at the bottom and you will see how and what you need (different box exact same connectivity) when you have the Lead/s (NULL MODEM) then click on the link marked Starview and you will find a tutorial, courtesy HiTeck and Celtic respectively. Now this link here will provide you with the Loader v4.03 and the latest Firmware for you box, you will need to extract using Winrar, so download the Firmware and Loader and save to your desktop, then download Winrar and install it on your PC if you have not already got it. http://www.4shared.com/file/80407617/7ab3b3f/The_Box_457__Loader.html http://www.4shared.com/file/28733441/7c4273a7/wrar35.html Edit:- We are presuming that you have Starview 2 (your thread title) which is called The Box top left hand side front of box.
Malci v4.00 gtrom no use to him he needs v4.03 which i have posted above also with a video from utube
Sorry F*** e, was away on other threads, just to confirm that I have quoted the incorrect loader but can assure you it is in the package above V4.03 - so will edit again.
folks all the channels are gone on my starview 4 but still have all but the movies on the starview 3...strange, anyone know y this is?
sorry mate, yeah im on ch*** in north dublin, my starview 4 i have in the sitting room all channels are gone, i also have a starview 3 super in the bed room and all the movies channels are gone have the rest ( ie ) sports and other channels
gone to N3 mate, most if not all on chorus cable land have moved, In the same boat the rest of us, boxs with the N2 fix on them (Sv4, Krypt, some Euros) will get the basic chans, but the rest will start moving, sports etc