Jay Type 1 5 7 0 on your remote when on the menu screen that your picture shows. By typing this in it brings up a secret menu which allows you to turn the keycode on
i got this software thx... the problem is 3 weeks ago my movies went, 2 weeks ago setanta and sky sports went, this has happened b4 but i was able get a fix, im living in ireland, is there any soloutions or new software out now. please help
ok i didnt read tru all the post's b4 my last msg, so everyone in ireland has this prob i kno a guy who works in chorous\ntl but he away on holidays for another week r so, when he bck i'll find out for def if nag3 is out, i will post here to confirm to everyone whether r not it is out
Slightly going off the thread but I noticed today on a stream channel that vm are advertising a rollout of new smartcards for the UK. The website it directs you to is non existent at present although cause it is currently on a test stream channel it may not obviously have launched yet. Any info on the above beacause it looks like UK will be in same boat as our Irish Cousins sooner rather than L8. Yhanks to u Mickah and others for the help
Well I hope that it does happen to our English cousins soon, as it will inevitably lead to an update been found alot faster , there are less than 200,000 dodgy boxes in use in Ireland where-as England is the leader in our neck of Europe . It has always been this way , ireland goes first and as soon as engand goes suddenly the hackers start getting payed REAL money ..I wouldnt be at all surprised if Ntel Scy and Starview were all working together to make up the losses haha