So Lads. has anyone got the movie or the sports channels back yet. let me know if any one has. i have the box super usb and need to get mine sorted. Cheers lads.
He's obviously a knobend haha! Still though i always think positive about things like this, hopefully its sooner rather than later...
e45 have u the new freq for the kryptview,only 30 channels left on the box,cant do autoscan as i am on if ulike cheers
ive heard that if you subsribe to nteel ,and have say 4 boxes ,the extra boxes will work through somebody elses pipe at different adresses,just a thought.....
is this file v 1.12 the new firmware for starview 4 . and if it is do i just put this file on a usb stick and put it on in back of sv4 when switched off
hi lads. i am in ireland on n...l just loaded software v1.12. my prob is, every thing working exe sly sports and sly movies.
I recently got a box and this update worked for 2 days and then it was gone just wondering if i used an older update will it work??? and if they have stoped the boxes from cracking n*l codes why are these companys selling recivers that dont work???
Because the boxes are sold as FTA units, and its up to you to know what works and what does not, and no firmware will get back the channels that are gone, well not in the short term anyway. There is no way to get them back if you are in Ireland.
Hi im livin in tallaght.. My mate use to deal with these sv4 he has mention to me tat he seem to get those cods for sv4 on tusday!! So hopefully he keeps hes words!! He mention to me tat afterdawn isnt allowed him to post any softward on this & has bar him from this site .. If is ture tat he dose have the cods i be makein few mo mo for meself.. So their mite be hope
Your living in Disneyland along with your mate, there is no such thing, as been able to enter codes in any boxes to get them back, and for your mate not allowed to put firmware up here thats a joke, nobody is allowed to put firmware on this forum, you need to put it on outside holding site, and just put the links to it on the forum,and if your mate new anything about software, he would know what i am on about using external links.
He has the same as everyone, unless they are not on N** other wise they have No sport, No Movies, No Adult, No Disney, or some others also.