Its not a clock its a system put in place so you have to buy a new one every year to pay for the server cost and maintainance how else do you think they are going to get this as they cant come out and ask people to pay a fee each year as that would be braking the law and would leave themselves wide open remember cards sharing IS ILLEGAL
hi m8, how's life ? I took a cheap break in Morocco last feb,..I was within spitting distance of a very good s*y CS server,..well away from Mr Murdick
Sorry lads I've been out of the loop since Nagra3 came in and my Kryptview box gave up the ghost. I've read the thread (all 9 pages). Are these new Starview 6 boxes on cable working fully, or are they under attack from the cable providers already? I'm in Korus/UPsee land in Limerick - I assume it won't work here, yet. Box appears to be on sale for STG£139.99 159 ? Seems to be the price everywhere.
Remember this box is only working in Dublin at the present time 6887 symbol rate this is what i have been told have not actually seen it myself
For someone who hasn't seen it themselves you're never off this forum making comments and giving your two bobs worth!! pinch of salt springs to mind
Whats the big problem cb? E45 is dead right as many people in the know have stated that have them and have been in contact with suppliers it will not work yet on the other symbol rate. So are you saying it will? Why the ridiculous comment? Are you set to lose something if people are given the correct information? Sales maybe? Wonder what your previous name was on here.....
The problem here Mooley is people are being given incorrect information by people who haven't even got a Starview 6.. I have absolutely no problem with people getting accurate information. We all want that and it is in absolutely everyones interests. Sellers certainly do not want customers plaguing them that they were sold a Box that doesn't work.. Not good for Customer or Supplier.
Agree mate, haven't commented much on this box myself but from what I've read by others that have got them and others such as dubfella who seem in the know about them that it will only work on 6887. Is this not true? Thats what e45 was saying, so as customers on another symbol rate don't go ahead and buy them and then go hassling the suppliers as you mentioned.