I decided to flash the box 5 or 6 times and on the 4th time it frooze while doing it and wouldnt finish the flash. When i hook it up to the telly now on the lcd where it would show what channel it was on a line keeps going around in a loop and then stops just showing a line. Is it fucked?
Bad Flash, go to the first link in my post at the bottom, and use the bad flash method, you may have to try it quite a few times, you will also find it at the link marked Starview, it has been known to work 1st time and others have taken 20 plus attempts, keep trying and eventually it will kick in. Good Luck.
The bad flash got it back working. Cheers for that. It appears to be working better than ever! Saying that i've ordered starview 4 to replace it as i reckon its only a matter of time before it shits itself again