Are you sure you are using a null modem cable similar to this:
Long time between replies Well it did give me time to research your problem. A bit of bad news I am afraid the only way you can recover an original Starview after flashing with "The Box" firmware is to Jtag it.
No problem, gave me time to catch up. There is a full guide here it involves some soldering and a bit of know how. So have a read as I have downloaded a full step by step guide along with all the flash images required. If you do not feel up for it and you are in Ireland send a pm to Fergusrb as he is doing them at a very reasonable price.
anyone know where i can get software v2.58. i flashed a box and it went badly. now frozen. i beleive if yuo flash it with the original software it will resolve the problem,,?//??? cheers lads
Dont know who told you that follow the bad flash guide here Also tell me if you have a clone or genuine box. Click the link at the end of my post marked Starview Info Dooby2oon, then click clones, this will help you decide.
Hi Sc0user I'm afraid I did the same thing fot the same reason and now my Starview box just displays the words "The Box" on the screen. I've tried to re-flash my Starview with the version 4 again but there is no response from it at all. Any ideas?
Go here and try the bad flash guide If that is not sucessful you may have to get it jtagged sorry for the bad news.
I tried what they suggest and still no joy The box is totally non responsive. I still just get the 'TheBox' logo on my TV screen. What does 'jtagged' mean? Is it something I can do myself?
You will find a full guide here If it looks to daunting tell me if you are from the UK or Ireland and I will recommend someone to you. As again you buy or put together a jtag kit it might be easier for you to have someone do it for you for a few quid, the repair services are quiet cheap. Look at the jtag tut in particular.
I am in Ireland. I looked at the jtag tut helpfile and this relates to a Sky Box but I have a Starview Box. I'm stumped
The jtag tut is for a Starview not a Sly Box. Send a pm to fergusrb he is doing them in Ireland for a very reasonable rate.