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Starview Box Problems(fixed)***no email posting or banned***

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by RCCossie, Jan 26, 2007.

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  1. 310radio

    310radio Member

    May 14, 2007
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    At last someone making sense.
  2. 310radio

    310radio Member

    May 14, 2007
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    It also wipes the loader. The processor in the smaller Starview is of poor quality also. The firmware was written for the large box only and was not designed to be compatible with the other. It was all made very clear on satdownloads but everyone has their own opinion, right or wrong.
  3. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    Hi Richie
    What you have done is flashed the box but did not wait till it was finished this is why it wont start
    1 Connect up your serial port connector to your pc
    2 Then connect the other end to your set top box
    3 Turn on your pc then your set top box at the back only you should see a time clock only on the front if you do not see this get remote and press the standby button it till you do see the clock
    4Double click the GtRom loder you will see a box hop up now click on the browse button and point it to your bin 257 file click it then open it click on the download button and watch it download when it gets to 100% wait do not disconnect till you see a message telling you it has finnished and you see ON highlighted on you set top box if you need the files go to page 6 and they are at the top 257 is the best file to use in Ireland do not download 260 or your box will be fried you have been warned!!!!!
  4. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    Hi All again found some interesting news for the dead boxes i dont understand it myself but someone out there might be able to put it into laymans terms i hope for us all

    Revive Dead Starviews Via Jtag

    Build the JTAG as below as the PDF below.

    JTAG is in the corner of the PCB and is a 20pin connector (no pins, just pads) layed out in a 2 x 10 array.

    Pin1 is the square pin.

    Connections are as follows:

    PIN9 = TMS
    PIN11 = TCK
    PIN13 = TDI
    PIN15 = TDO
    PIN19 = TRST

    Ground is all even number pins.

    VCC is the end of capacitor C40 nearest the processor.

    The box must be powered up to be flashed (don't worry about the lack of display or picture)

    Flashing with JKEYS

    Run JKEYS and Detect. Should come up as:

    Device ID: 0x1D405041
    Device: STi5518MVB-X

    Choose the IRD model as 4900

    Flash would be 29LV160
    Start : 7FE00000
    Bytes 20000

    Go into flash programmer.

    Erase chip first by clicking on Erase in the top right

    Flash chip with a working TSOP image by clicking on the top-right Program button.

    Flashing with S*YMax UP (Easier!)

    If you are having problems flashing with JKEYS you can also use S*YUP. This is much easier to use.

    Click on 2mb (0x7FE00000)
    Click Start
    Click Erase
    Click Write

    Choose your flash image .. sit back and wait
  5. 310radio

    310radio Member

    May 14, 2007
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    All of this is posted on other forums which most people on here are probably members of anyway. When pasting someone else's work it is good to thank the author as recognition for the time taken. Thanks to sunrise for the JTAG fix.
  6. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    Sorry about that but as you can see from my post i never said it was my own and i would never plagiarism someone else work as my own what i said was
    Hi All again found some interesting news for the dead boxes i dont understand it myself but someone out there might be able to put it into laymans terms i hope for us all sorry if i caused any harm or upset to the author sunrise
  7. 310radio

    310radio Member

    May 14, 2007
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    Not having a go mate but when someone writes something that is useful to all it's good to mention the author and no you did not pass it off as yours I know. What sunrise has done is great and should be praised IMO.
  8. TEZZER007

    TEZZER007 Guest

    we are all here to help each other on here
    i have helped loads and never get thanked afterwoods but , so what i dont care , i dont do it so i can here someone thank me ...
  9. 310radio

    310radio Member

    May 14, 2007
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    I'm sure sunrise didn't do it to get thanks either, i think it's a nice thing to do but obviously not everyone looks at things the same.
  10. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    Maybe we should be all pulling together as a team instead of bickering among ourselves we are all trying to help others who are not as well up on the ins and outs of things the way we where when we started looking at this site i myself think and this is only my opinion it dosent portray a good image of the site if a few of the members are bickering among themselves lets all say a special thanks to everyone who helped with queries and reply s including ourselves hope this will be ok with everyone and we can all be one happy family again
  11. richiemkk

    richiemkk Member

    Mar 21, 2007
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    My starview bx died when i tried to load the 257 software onto it.

    I may have made an error when doin the download , as it was the first time i tried..
    I had the bx on and connected the lead into the laptop and the bx and then set the 257 into the gt loader!!
    Then i pressed download!
    I did nothin to the bx prior to this!
    I had a message on the laptop saying the load was successfull and during the load , there was a bar showing the software was downloding..
    There was no message on the bx and no message after the loading.
    Now the bx just has a greeen light that travels across the the screen from left to right and the bx does not work .

    Can anybody help as i dont know whats wrong???
    thanxs richard
  12. tuohy

    tuohy Member

    Oct 7, 2006
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    this must include the moderator ddp,..who as far as i no,..hasent put any constructive replys,..except i,m an idiot,..how can you call inexperianced new members idiots,...they may be new,..but need guidence,..not you,..making them feel they cannot post for help,
    looking forward to YOUR REPLY,..OR LOOKING 4WARD 2UR REPLY LOL
  13. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    Hi Richie
    The cable does not work to good with laptop try a desktop pc plug in the cable into pc first make sure it is turned off then plug the other end into the box turn on pc first then the box just make sure it is in standby mode a clock should be on the box saying 12:00 next go to where you have the gt loder next double click it when the box pops up click on the browse button and point it to where the file257 is on your computer next tell it to download watch the screen and the box and you will see the file downloading when it reaches 100% do not stop it let it fully compleat until you see process compleat and look at the box and make sure on the screen it says on wait until you see this before you disconnect it
  14. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    Sorry look further down edited this message
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2007
  15. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    Hi Tuohy
    just to let you know the moderator is not calling you an idiot if you notice it says at the top of the pages no e/mail posting or banned this means you cannot post your e/mail address here on the forum but you can click on the little head on the right hand corner and it will let you pm (private message) someone hope this clears things for you oh and the idiot part is where he changes you e/mail address everyone gets that not just you but there is nothing stopping you from posting a question asking for help but you have to be patient for an answer you will get one
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2007
  16. tuohy

    tuohy Member

    Oct 7, 2006
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    FERGUSRB,..i no this,i am also a junior member on here,..did you remember when you were new?,..all you wanted was help!,..ok they might be wrong,..but editing a post i,m anidiot,..instead i,m new sorry,then send a personal message explaining,..very quick to critisis,..but never seen the mod help,....VERY HARSH when ur new,..
    might be wrong,..but if i see someone post there email address,..i will advise them,...not make them look small,.....SORRY
  17. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    Yes can understand frustration had it myself when i was new as well but you have to let it go over your head i also never seen the mod post here either but sure we can manage this between us all if we all pull together hope you dont mind me saying this i will help anyone that i can but i myself am still learning as we all do everyday of our life
  18. tuohy

    tuohy Member

    Oct 7, 2006
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    no YOUR opinion is welcome,..it,s all about MANNERS and a little respect for inexperianced flustrated new members,...i hope he/she reads this,as i,v noticed when the mod alters post,..you very really see them again,...so they might have spent,..£70-120,on a certain item,have no way of setting up or adjusting or updating,.are left with a door stop,...WELL DONE MOD,this forum is supposed to help,..not discourage
  19. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    tuohy, i could have banned you as it states in the thread title so count your blessings. i do this on my own free time as mods do not get paid to do moderating on this site. remember this, we were or still newbies on this site including me so leave it alone. read the title next time before posting.
  20. tuohy

    tuohy Member

    Oct 7, 2006
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    so i cannot have an opinion,...and advise newbies,..your post dident
    suprise me!
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