Starview Box with The Box Firmware installed, problems!!!!

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by Villa86, Apr 6, 2008.

  1. malci

    malci Guest

    If you pressed OK in the (pop up box) then rest assured, all is well - just do the check I suggested to satisfy yourself - Cheers Des, up and about early I see :)[/quote]

    Morning Malci, yeah up and about, but cant really be on this all day otherwise afterdawn will be named on the divorce petition LOL[/quote]

    Get away with you man, there's no way you can get out of it that easily - I did see you were going out today somewhere, have a nice day, out myself shortly - catch you later, oh I seen a request for some posting to be edited, you have done yours - we don't want that on site - end up without a paddle, them comments shouldn't be given any credence in quotes really and the nick wants throwing off as well.
  2. DBoxHead

    DBoxHead Member

    Apr 19, 2008
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    Thanks Malci & DesB and all the other posters out there. I went to his house today set default key and then pressed on Sky Sports and it came in after "waiting for updating". He is delighted, I am delighted !!! I have mamaged to get both a stairview and DBox2 updated with thanks to you lot. Appriciate it !!!
  3. DesB

    DesB Regular member

    May 27, 2007
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    No problem...glad to be of assistance!
  4. moose52c

    moose52c Member

    Dec 5, 2007
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    Hey guy please help im updating a starview box for a friend, put in new firmware 10/09 but on system info it tells me
    7 jun 2007
    i tried it a few times with no joy, i checked the keys on the box and they are correct?
    can anybody help??
  5. malci

    malci Guest

    That is correct, If you have loaded CryptStar-v1.4-GenuineOnly on a genuine box - that is the version that has been modified to autoroll, exactly what is the problem. In Cas System press Set Default key to test it and make sure Key EMU is on and exit out to Sky Sports 1.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2008
  6. moose52c

    moose52c Member

    Dec 5, 2007
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    ya the emu is on, i do an autoscan and all the channels are there but most of them are locked out, would the problem be the last firmware was 06 and i put the new firmware over that?
  7. vintymac

    vintymac Member

    Apr 4, 2007
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    Sorry for going over old ground possibly. But what firmware do you install on to a St*rview Super 3 to enable it to auto roll? I have installed version 6.01, from Eamo's library, but it didn't auto roll.

    I have just checked another box, which has version 6.00 installed, and it has auto rolled when first turned on.

    Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  8. A05087

    A05087 Member

    Dec 23, 2005
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    I flashed the wrong software on the Starview Super, I put v4.0 on instead of v6.0.

    now i can't re-flash the box for some reason. it's a real starview super. Everything is connected ok as I've tried flashing other super boxes.

    can anyone please help?

  9. A05087

    A05087 Member

    Dec 23, 2005
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    No reply yet.... can any one please help?
  10. DesB

    DesB Regular member

    May 27, 2007
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    you will get more info overhere:

    Meanwhile try this:

    If you have a bad flash, switch it off then on at the back & make sure its on standby.
    Then Flash as normal. This also applies to flashing (up & downloading) the channel data file.
    If for some reason you cannot flash and have set and checked everything else such as ports and connections,
    then you should switch off at the back wait a moment then on again. Then try to flash again.

    If for some reason it won't go into standby and you see a constant moving green line.
    you may want to wait to see if it goes into standby or switches on eventually or re-flash from this state
    though it may not work. Some users have reported that flashing an older firmware 1st that was working,
    then trying again may help. If your flash has failed or corrupted try again but 1st flash back the firmware
    that was on before your failed flash. Re download the firmware just in case you had a corrupted file then try again.
    If you do flash from the moving green line state at boot, you will see the % increase on the GTRom loader
    software but not on the Starview. Toward the end of the flash you'll see a Flash Burning message in GTRom.
    Make sure you wait until all is finished and you see the Download complete pop up message in GTRom.

    Another method you can use to recover from a bad flash, eg. the box won't boot to standby and is stuck
    in pre standby, either after about 3 or 4 moving green lines the box sticks with the green line not moving
    at all or it keeps moving forever. If the box will NOT RE-FLASH as normal from on or standby, try this but it
    may take a few goes to work.

    Connect the box to the pc with your cable but switch it off at the back. Load the correct
    firmware bin file into GTRom & set it to the correct com port, and select App file only then hit Download.
    Only then switch on at the back to power on the box. It may take a few sec. so wait at least 30 sec.
    (If it doesn't work 1st time try also waiting a couple of sec. to switch on after pressing download in the loader.) It may take more than 1 try to work, but eventually you'll see the loader kick in and the % bar increase. You won't see the % on the Starview though. Only green lines moving left to right. Towards the end of the flash you'll see a message in GTRom saying FLASH BURNING. Then it will reach 100% and wait for the download complete pop up box to appear & the box will reboot back to factory setup. You will have lost any channel data previously on the box & will need to rescan & switch on EMU and set the box up from scratch.

    If you don't know the state of the box switch it on see what happens see if there already has been a channel
    scan done before-meaning there are channels on it working or not. If so tune to an unencrypted channel as above
    then standby then re-flash.

    "If you are using a USB to Serial converter, once you have installed it you need to check if your PC is using the correct port for the GTRom loader. Otherwise GTRom will stay at 0% and return "Flash Failed" after about 30 seconds.

    Solution, click start/control panel/system/hardware tab/device manager.
    Click the plus sign next to ports on the list. Your adapter will show up as a USB to Serial Bridge with the port number next to it.

    If the port number is outside the 1-4 port range then right click on it select Properties/port settings/advanced.

    On the bottom left of the pop-up screen you will see the port number with a drop down arrow, click on the arrow and select a port in the 1-4 range. Click OK and exit all. Select the same port in GTRom and everything should be OK."

    Let us know on the other thread that I gave you, how you get on
  11. djmick

    djmick Member

    May 6, 2008
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    Hi guys, can someone please help me, i have a starview (genuine) ive downloaded the gt rom and bin file but everytime i try to download it fails after about 30 seconds, any help would be great
  12. vekson

    vekson Member

    Apr 29, 2008
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    i have a genuine starview box and the cable can anyone tell me how to download the firmware i dont want to wreck my box and im tired of asking for codes any help much appreciated guys
  13. DesB

    DesB Regular member

    May 27, 2007
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    updating tutorial

    check if u have a clone or genuine star view box on this link

    latest firmware for GENUINE

    latest firmware for CLONES

    u will need a gtrom loader 2 upload the firmware on 2 ur box u will find 1 on this link

    lastly u need a null modem cable if u don't have 1 u will get 1 on this link

    if ur pc duz not have a 9 pin serial port u have 2 use a USB 2 SERIAL PORT ADAPTOR in conjunction with the null cable ..u will get 1 on this link


    1. Plug Starview in at the mains;
    2. Plug in null modem cable and join up box with
    PC using COM port on PC (there is only one socket for
    this on the Starview you cant go wrong);
    3. Open up GTRom loader or whatever software you have
    for loading image on the box.
    4. Click on "BIN File" on GTRom and load the
    Auto update BIN File file that you have

    5. Now click download button and you will see the
    file being downloaded.
    6. Once complete a mssage will apppears saying
    something like "download successful".
    7.Ideally you should try and get a bin file channel
    list for your area and load this as well it will save a lot of time.
    8. Alterantively, plug box in and press Menu on
    remote, installation, choose your cable provider,
    then move down to automatic scan and press ok.
    9. Once all channels have been found press exit back to TV screen.
    10. Now press menu, parental control, press ok.
    Now press i then 2004. Move down to Key Emu and change option
    to on. Press ok , then exit back to TV Screen.
    11. Go to SLY SpOTS and wait on keys updating.
    12 That should be you.
  14. vekson

    vekson Member

    Apr 29, 2008
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    thanks mate will try it now
  15. dilber

    dilber Member

    May 14, 2008
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    thanks bud, but when i try to get the firmware i get this error msg(The file link that you requested is not valid.) cud u plz tell me if i can get the firmware somwher els, thanks alot
  16. malci

    malci Guest

    If it is the Starview firmware you are looking for (I think it is) then go to the link at the botom of my post Eamo's FTA library and you will get all you want, Starview Folder 7th down and then into Firmware, the file for Clones is the 2nd one Core257.bin, for genuine box it is the 3rd down CryptStar-1.4-Core400.bin you will also find the loader GTRom 4.00 in the Software folder if required.
  17. dilber

    dilber Member

    May 14, 2008
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    thanks mate, any sign of codes untill i gt the box updated, *removed*.thanks
    Last edited: May 15, 2008
  18. DesB

    DesB Regular member

    May 27, 2007
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    No more C***S on this site and please no posting of E-Mail addresses unless you want to be inundated with offers of Viagra etc LOL
    Last edited: May 15, 2008

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