Hi guys I hope you can help me I was messing with my genuine star-view box bc I was not getting most chanels like I should. I downloaded a wrong firmware (boxpvr) which made the box go wonky i.e the green dash flashing on all 4 spots & could not get the ON display. However I managed to reinstall 400e firmware which was saved on my pc long ago and got the menu and all. Then while I was at it I tried to downlaod the starviewchanneleditor.exe in the same way. This made the box kinda freeze like when I power it I see 2 or 3 green dash and it stops. I can manage to the downlaod of the 400e to reach 100% but in the end I always get firware update failed. wasted my entire day today. Hope somebody can help me. cheers DeY
regarding my earlier post - my box only says " STARVIEx" and "Digital Receiver" and has 25 vents. cheers
try reflashing with v4.oo again,have box powered off then press download and power on box,it should run all the way. channel editor is for pc not for box so i hope you have not bricked it.
Thanks for your advise. How stupid I feel now - trying to upload an exe file(channeleditor) though I am sure I stopped it towards the end. I think I may have bricked it. If anyone reckons this still can be fixed pls advise. cheers
Hi all i wonder if anyone can answer this please. I see a programme being advertised on the Dave channel but it says its on "Watch". does anyone know if i can get this station. im in dublin with a starview4 usb box. Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks.
All my channels are gone i have starview the box super ,is there any firmware updates so that i can get my channels back
That depends on your location, if in Ireland then the answer is unfortunately no due to N3 migration.