A freindly neighbour or the likes of B&Q. I would try to borrow one as you only want to verify the lead.
No problem, you are using this in conjuction with the USB adapter I presume. Your USB adapter must be a USB to serial port adapter. To see which port your USB adapter is connected to, connect your USB adapter and follow these instructions: 1. Go to the Start Menu 2. Right click on "My Computer" 3. Select "Properties" 4. Click on the "Hardware" tab 5. Click on "Device Manager" 6. Click the + sign next to "Ports (COM & LPT)" 7. One of the listed ports should indicate which port your USB adapter is connected to (e.g. COM1, COM2, COM3, etc.) 8. Go back to gtromloader and make sure it is looking at the correct port. 9. You should be able to transfer data once the correct port is selected. If you need drivers go here http://www.gilsson.com/usb_drivers_download.htm
hi i have the right usb port.ihave clikre on bin file locate my box then download but it is not doing scan
Best bet is to try it from a standalone pc, or an old laptop as they have serial ports, this will take the USB adapter out of the equation.