Hi, can someone send me details of the Kryptview boxes please? Lost without the Starview! Have a Starview Super USB, are these gone forever?!
Fergusrb - question for you. N*L sent out new cards for their boxes (have 2). You had to remove old - install new cards & leave to update for 6+hours. Did all that & up & running - but now I'm supposed to call them & confirm same. Just wondering if you know what thats about - have signal split 4 ways coming in - 2 to their boxes - 1 basic signal & one to the now defunct starview. Am I being paranoid in thinking the call will mean the signal will only work through the boxes with the cards?? Or am I mad??
Another newbie here. from reading all the lists - it seems the upshot is s t a r view is defunct, unlikely to resurrect anytime soon. K r y p t view works, but for how long noone knows - the risk is yours. So where do you get these - is internet sites. Any recommendations? Don't want to get fleeced by some low life immitating. Anyone made a purchase? Anyhow PM me to help? Great info btw - thanks to everyone's contribution! Cheers
hi can one of you genius' please pm with details of the Kryptview? where to buy etc? Have two The Boxes and going spare with no sports and movies!!! thanks A
Anyone know the type of RS-232 cable needed to update these k r y p t view boxes? There are loads to choose from. Is it male/felmale - usb/male etc etc. help appreciated cheers
this is the cable needed below if you have a comport on your pc this is what you need also if you dont have a comport
Thanks - yes there is a comport on the laptop - but also USB too. The comport is female - so assume a male connector. What type fits the box? difficult to see in the pic. cheers
thats not a comport that a vga port prob blue or green connector the comport has to be male only this below is prob what you have on your laptop this is what you need on your laptop
Doh.....absolutely - its a VGA port alright. So need the usb type then as don't have a com port. Right? cheers
you need both cables null modem to box other end to usb adapter and the other end of the usb to the pc