Hi FergusRB - could you please PM me these details also when you get a minute. I presume that the writing is on the wall though for these machines also and that they too will succumb to Nagra3 in time ?
As a full fledged member of the Totally Baffled Club... I was wondering if anyone (including The Oracle Fergus...)could answer my simple questions. I have a Starview Box, non clone, think it's The B O X version - is this knackered now (for the love of Jeebus, Living TV...), or is there a way of getting it back up and running? There's no USB connection, so is there firmware that if i re-flash it, will this get it off it's knees...? Has Nagravision 3 put the kybosh on receiving the sports/movie channels? Will I need a new box to receive the sports channels, I don't want to miss the rugby this summer... I hope i've not posted anything contentious, but if so, let me know and i'll edit. If anyone out there can help, but can't post to the forum, pls PM me. thanks all, BungleJr.
At the present time there are no fixes for any of the boxes apart from the Krypt and i would say if Sv ever do get it together and eurovox and digi they will prop only fix the later released boxes
Thanks for that. Could you send me some info on the Krypt box, where i can get it, what i'd expect to pay for it etc...
The admin banned anything about getting sky channels with starview But he obviously is ignoring this topic? What the deal?