there was nothing wrong with the cho*** network so why would he be giving info on this if your box has the correct firmware on your box you wont be having problems
How did you get the channels,not a clue how to even attempt it. Would love to see movies again. Thanks for your help in advance
its a pity you did not say for what provider this stuff was for instead of getting people who where on n** there hopes up which have now been trashed and all this could have been avoided
/GROAN bangs head against wall bangs head against wall bangs head against wall I think you lot have selected vision.
i would also like to say my area was hit last week i was losing the channels one by one and at around 11 o clock i had lost everything , i had an idea i wanted to try as soon as i lost some channels but i didnt want to risk it while i still had the major channels ,so as soon as they all went i tried it and i did mean it wouldnt scan under c**r*s so i did have to scan under nt* and all the channels were in fact all over he place , i tried a second code which fixed a lot under the c**r*s scan , the only stations i do not have are chelsea,celtic,mtv base and the magic music channels , all il say i hope ye all get ur channels back even the people who hated on me i hope you as well get them , my vid probably was a bit a heavy handed , i just changed to another forum so i will be deleting this account . cheers
Scanning on different providers on your stream will not help, as they are different symbol rates Chorus = 6875 NTL = 6887 If you don't do a reset I suppose you could have frequencies/symbolrates from both, but this will not help you fix problems. You may think you area was hit but it wasn't. Some areas experienced it for a while but the change was reverted and SV4 works again there for now. You may think you solved it yourself, but you didn't.
chor** do not carry chelsea tv or celtic or magic music or mtv base so if you dont know who your provider is well we dont either and there is no hate on here mate you just need to be more forward with your info and not say you have it but your not posting the info that is what started this all off
Is the starview working with the movies and sports in c)**&s area's still.Is there anyway to scan in one channel setanta 1 for the IRL match friday evening
No luck ferg but thanks anyway.Will the macth be on setanta ireland. That fix video has been deleted from youtube does anyone know where to get that info now.
if you have the rest of your channels its nothing to do with codes what box are you using and what area are you in ?? is cho*** your provider ??
i have the same issue as you so i would say you are on chorus limerick or close by also it looks like some premium channels are gone in our area
starview the box and starview 4 are the box's im on about here ferg im in an nteehell area my Q was about ch...s areas though and if they are lucky and still get movies sports etc ps do you know if the macth is on setanta ireland
most cho*** area are back now i have heard so i have made a call and other cho*** areas are also receiving all channels so i would say if you scan the box in the ch*** area you are in you should get it no problem as for the match im not sure mate really