Your question has been answered go back over the posts and you will see it not that hard to do it is even on this page if you look at the top
I'm sorry but i still can't find anything. I can't see any codes for galway and have already loaded the firmware mentioned. Have also done an another automatic scan with no channels found.
Here is the link click on it it will bring you to the page that the codes are on all you have to do is put them in or try this go to menu put 1570 in key pad then on default key click ok and then exit out and put the box on sky sports and wait for it to update the codes it is a stsrview 1 or 2 which is it
was box working before,no check coaxial to cable input,and select correct provider and autoscan,report back.
...but my favourite menus are gone. Not a big deal but if you know how i could sort them, or provide a link it would be great. Sorry for the q's. thanks for the help!
D'oh! Turns out i'm not fully sorted at all. Only seem to have 10 channels. Mostly Sky Movies: Family, Sci-Fi,Indie, Comedy, Drama, Action and also, Sky News, Extreme Sports and Paramount2.
go to menu factory reset press ok then turn your box off at the back and then back on again accept English installation choose your provider auto scan When finished go to menu 1570 and turn on your emu and that is that just wait for it to unscramble
You must be using the wrong cable where did you get the cable from that you are using USB Adapter Cable Heres the NULL MODEM CABLE Code L71BT That is what you need if you are using a laptop you will need the top one as well you will find these much cheaper on flebay if you look ok
You have downloaded the V4gtrom loader ahd the correct firmware Now if you can go thru step by step what you do i might be able to figure out where you are going wrong ok
I would appreciate any help anyone can offer me. I believe I was unlucky enough to have bought a cloned box and I'm having some difficulties with it now. I'm on tele***t and using 4.00 firmware. The problem I have is that I'm unable to pick up Set Sp0rts 1 or Rang**s tv, Set Sp0rts 2 and Set Sp0rts New5 are fine. In addition I have no M*V music channels at all and not able to receive UK*V G*LD or the new D4ve channel. I understand that these groups of channels i.e, the sport, music and entertainment are run on the same frequency so if I can get one I don't get any. Another problem I'm currently experiencing is distorted picture & sound on Sly Sports. I've had this box for sometime and this is the first time I have had a problem with it. Any advise from anyone would be appreciated.