Press Menu then 1570 and press the "Set Default Key" , press OK and tune into S*Y Sports and it should auto update for you
Is anyone receiving channel TV1700? This is the one that should be showing the wrestling preview shows. I'm not pickinh it up unfortunately :-(
Hi Celtic I'm in Birmingham. The channel is currently set to frequency 427000/6952. Provider is TW. I have a genu1ne The Box running the v4 bin file. Any help would be greatly received.
There is nothing on the channel at the moment and will show up as "Bad Or Scrambled Chnanel" , this will come in about a week before the event with the previews. If you have the channel there is no need to rescan
That's what I thought but the previews have actually started on Sky (Ch 755). The actual event is next Sunday so I'd expect to be receiving the preview shows now. When I switch to that channel, it just gives me the 'Data is being updated' message on a continuous loop.
If you want you can delete it and do a manual scan on the freq again , but I think it will come back the same , leave it till tomorrow or Tues and see if the previews start
[quote=Celtic71 Hi can any one advise my bro has just deleted all channels going through factory settings tryed to get them back by doing automatic scans and mannual but no joy.Put in new codes but cant exit out of language settings.There aer no dots beside channel editing or parental controll please help cant watch ant more shit on tv
i'm having the same thing with eurovox tx except what celt suggested wont happen for me as there is no set default key option in the menu
Try turning the box off at the back and then back on again that might do the trick ok as i have sold a few of them and had no one ring me to say that they are not working
Any body that is on the MMDS for the C***** network my advice is if you are going to buy MMDS boxes buy the Starview BOX T this box is prob the best to buy if you require any further info please pm me thanks
the thing is the tx still works at the moment even with the 2 lines of codes all set at 0. maybe thats a good thing but is it for the future?
Sorry didnt read your post correctly. You have all your channels by the looks of it, when you say it doesnt roll because you see old keys, but the emu has still updated then am I right in saying that?
went to test it for autoroll like i did with some boxes in dublin, i changed the codes to all zero but unlike the dublin box i still had all my channels when i exit and it does not find the coeds. as i say box still working am i missing something silly here?
Nope it AUs but doesnt update the visual codes but seems to emulate the codes either way, strange alright, but it rolls so good news either way