If you can get Sly sports then it is digital you should be able to get more channels. Is it the box or a Starview 1?
No its the box and its not a clone as I have set up 10 of these for friends around Blanc. When you Auto scan it only goes to 0-24 not 0-37 like normal. I was just wondering why? as I thought any N*L cable provider would work ..But I heard there was teh same problem in Dunboyne
No problem what is confusing me is you say they can recieve Sly sports and disney on cable so they must have a digital connection. Best bet is if they have a subscription with N** is call N**, (or look at a bill), to find out if it is a true digtal connection they are using.
Hi scouser , I am surprised about this myslf, that the channels are not being picked up as the points are defintely N*L, 3 downstairs on the walls definetly state N*L and his 3 connections are Using N*L box's ..You learn something new everyday thanks, for all help
Yep it is confusing until you can verify if it is digital, (sounds like it), plug the box directly into the incoming feed as I have seen this happen when it is either plugged into a secondary outlet or the FM outlet.
Hi Scouser I did plug the N*l cable straight into the Box areial in connection and used a scart to Av1 to view menus and do scans..
Do you mean cable/RF in on the the back of the box and not aerial/ANT in. Did the N** box have two RF sockets one marked TV the other FM, did you try on both as sometimes they are mixed up.
Hi Scouser I did the normal set up and I have this configired for my bedroom Tv at the moment all channells 179 set up. So I honestly beleive the box is working fine
hi all, first post here - hoipefully someone here can help me out with this... got the Starview 2 box today (The Box - http://www.iwantabox.com/index.php) Can't get it to work on chorus though. System Info is this: api ver:4.50e_E boot ver:7.0 5th june.2007 Have the keys set to: KEY 00 = 4B 7C D5 86 E7 01 CC 96 KEY 01 = 8E 8E 46 FD 36 28 A3 F0 (for Chorus) EMU is ON. When i got to automatically tune it in though, it finds NO channels at all. As far as I know it is not an MMDS feed in the house (no chorus box in the house that i know of to check and no aerial on the roof) but i think the town itself might be MMDS with the cable feeds running from that (is that possible?) Anywho, just want to see if anyone has any ideas on what i could do to fix it, if it is fixable. I bought it preflashed, so it should have been right to go, but the key codes were different to what is on here so i changed them (and stored them) Anyway, if it is not finding any channels, would that mean the feed into the house is MMDS, or does it just mean I haven't set something up right? Sorry if this thread is not appropriate but it seemed right enough, and i didn't want to start a new thread about it. Any help would be appreciated.
as a little addition to my previous post - the box is genuine (25vents) and the keys that were originally set on the box were: F2 D5 38 B1 DF AF CF 48 B8 4A BD 38 4B 27 47 A2
hi i have 2 tvs running on N** starview 2 boxes they were fine up to 12th november ,have started freezing pixellating etc, north east england, any help please
The codes you need are at the end of my post on the link called codes also the starview 1 will not autoroll the codes only the starview 2 will do that ok
Can you tell me what version of firmware you have on your box also if you are using a splitter and that could be the problem you could always try rescanning the channels back in ok
API ver 4.00e_E, i have tried rescanning but nothing changes,all the channels are still there but pixellating
If you are are in the Uk upgrade your firmware to the V4.51 and if you are in Ireland use V4.50 both are available on the bottom of my post on the eko site also you are using the old firmware that is your problem hope this helps
You will also need the gtrom loader as well to put it on to your box you need a cable called a null modem cable did you get one with your box also if you look in there somewhere there is a tutorial for flashing your box download it and look at it should be in the starview section it opens in windows media ok let me know how ya get on