do you see the head on the right hand side of the post if you click on that i will be down in Ballyer on friday so if you pm me with your phone number i will sort you out ok
another box 131 tv chs.found only after 5 scans,not picking up living+1,more4+1 tvx etc on 402000, 0 chs.found,0 signal,0 quality, do u reckon on cc repairs in progress?
thats what i thought but my neighbour who has sv is working fine cat fig this out thanks someone here will know
chris did you click on the head on the right and pm me with your number and i will contact you as i said i will be down in Dublin10 on friday if you want me to have a look at it for you ok
hi lads still havnt got channels on 394250freq,abc1 came back but nting else,is der new freq for plus1 channels(n** dub)
its like the magic roundabout with some peeps it like a creak in my neck if you catch my drift i am sure you do
hi! was wonderin if any1 could help me sort out sound problems on my st** vi*W box plz!!! i tried researchin 4 da channel but no joy
Sound Problems To get back sound on channels , make a note of the frequency of the channle then delete the channel you are having problems with press menu, select installation, select manual scan, type the freq in down frequency. It'll now scan for channels when its finished exit back to normal tv viewing screen go to the end of your channel listing and the desired channel will be there with sound. Hope this helps
hi ..sorry me again !! my box keepz sayin data updating .. why ?!?!? i checked the codes all is updated but still data being updated