Again, backingup a DVD against damage is perfectly alright - BUT - Making a bunch of copies to give to 5 (a short time ago it was 3 backups) "brothers", "cousins", "friends" of uncle's who work with your father's friend from next door is stealing, PIRACY ! Pete _X_X_X_X_X_[small] The “old man” Pete (ö¿ô) Compaq 8000, Pent 4 CPU 2.84GHz, 1024MB RAM, 520GB HD. 4 Drives, JLMS DVD ROM, Pioneer 107, 8X R/W , Nec 4X R/W ND-1300A, AXV CD/DVD-ROM. GeForce4 Ti 4200-128MB, OS– X[/small]
nuburn, don't know what you did, but 3 hours is way too long in IC 8. 20 minutes for DVDCopy2 is long for less than halfway. No way the quality wasn't good on IC 8 if done correctly. It usually takes 1-1 1/2 hours. 25-30 minutes in DVDCopy 2. I use that and DVDCopy 2 ALL the time and both have excellent results. The best I've seen except for Rebuilder/CCE(and I've tried thenm all). Stating you can't use shrink and decrypter tells me there is operator error involved. Don't know what you're doing but something needs to be re-evaluated. if you would like to tell me your steps, I would be glad to go over them with you. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SOHS 832S dual layer[/small]
@ScubaPete. Concerning the number of backups one can make, it varies around the world. In New Zealand, you can't make any. Nada. In the USA, the "fair use" doctrine has always applied to copyrighted works, and this is expressed in the 1988 DMCA "The public will have the continued ability to make fair use of copyrighted works since copying of a work may be a fair use under appropriate circumstances." In short, there is no limit on the number of copies. In a legal family unit, several backups might be permitted. However, it is a violation of law to give away a copy to a friend because this right was not purchased with the original. All of this could change if the MPAA and similar groups get their way. I would also point out that Section 1201 allows a user to circumvent copy protection to enjoy fair use, but in another part it states it is illegal for a company to sell or distribute such services. This contradiction is a lot of what the 321 Studio lawsuit was about. Laws do vary worldwide, and I think you made a good point indirectly in that on the AD forum it would be best just to speak in terms of only backing up one's own DVD, and only one copy at that. To do otherwise would be inviting "thieves and pirates" into the mix, and this would dilute the quality of the forum. Here's the official summary of the 1998 DMCA:
Well I logged my time in, I read that D*@m thing and I didn’t see anything about making 3, 5 or, in my case, there are about 50 family members who would LOVE for me to make copies of my DVD's for them, 50 DVD copies. I'm not going to do it, family or not, they want a DVD in their permanent possession, they'll buy them, and they have - In this forum, the accepted rule is: Making a backup, ONE backup, (not 5 for distribution) to have in case the original becomes damaged is acceptable . Making a copy for every member of the family is not. Trust me, if the powers that be think multi-copies are OK, we'll hear from them. Until then - Let's do just one - To continue, I hope you're not saying that if the 3 - Ooohh sorry, the family grew, if the 5 brothers "accidentally" left their DVD's at a friend's house it would be OK to make another 5 backups so that they would always have a copy – Naaaah, I didn’t think so - - I think the subject should be left here - Let's move on - Pete