i see that creaky has joined the thread so if i understand correctly your going to knock on the door then hit him/her in the head with a bat, then walk through the house look for your stuff find and take it then walk away?
Regime, when you beat the crap out of this guy and get your stuff back, don't forget to check his wallet- you could come out of this whole ordeal a little richer and better off.
At least your not like my husband and I . We own a video game store and 2 laptops ( about 2000 worth ) was stolen from us, by who we think is an employee. Dont want to fire him because we are thinking maybe he will give it back ( well the hubby thinks so ). People who steal suck!
okay hopefuly you have all your 360 #s written down that is solid proof of ownership on any thing electronic under 3,000 also if you are smart you kept your reciept now have a credit card registered on there so if it is still valid and they buy stuff with it then you can get them with frauwd and identity theft also you get your 360 back next you can get one of tose pet micro chips tha they use for pets that tell you where it is any where in the sattillite regional area also it will call a set phone # whenever the micro chip "xbox 360" leaves your property this chip cost around $30 good deal. if you take all of theeseprocassions the only way they can steal it is if they set off a micro wave bomb wich would draw a LOT of attention to that location you know like any thing electronic unprotected system failure pernament so air planes with in a 6 mile radious would fall
I did it...umm, not yours. I mean from \/\/ /\ L - /\/\ /\ R T. It's so fun to watch them guard the doors in the following days. 'Cause you can sit in your car and laugh your ass off at the stupidity of those guys, sitting there in their chairs waiting for you to come back. Hell, they can't even get the hair color right. It's just so funny...too bad they upped the security. Damn, those good 'ol days.
Don't know if this can help, but from what I understand any illegal activities that are done on the internet, such as using a stolen xbox 360 on an already active account, is a federal crime. If the police wont help you with your case or havn't yet and there is still activity on that ip address call up the FBI and see if they can help. I feel bad for you, cuz i just had the same thing happen to me in Jan. a day before my birthday. I only had that Xbox 360 for about 10 days. I have been trying to find a way to track it down but I know I wont see it or hear anything of it, but you might...give it a try if nothin else has worked for you. Good luck
thankz man dont put ya head down! the detective was here 2 days ago to get me to sign legal docs so the person cud b pursued
I'd love to call the FBI, just for the hell of it! So, did the Xbox get returned at all or not? Lol. Btw, ;-)
well you could probably call the fbi, but i doubt they would take a case on a stolen 360. maybe if the hard drive contained halo 3 beta ;-).....
they wouldn't take it based on the fact the xbox was stolen but more or less using the internet or world wide web, which is considered to be international territory. It would work the same way as a stolen credit card being used on the internet or just using someones wifi connection without there knowing.
correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't this the thread where you know who it was that stole your box? stage your own night raid with a few buddies and take it back. if you had exlusive content, it very well may have been deleted by the thieves.