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Subtitles-XMen First Class

Discussion in 'Subtitle help' started by deezalboy, Oct 31, 2011.

  1. deezalboy

    deezalboy Regular member

    Dec 29, 2007
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    We borrowed a DVD movie of XMen First class from the video shop and a large amount of it is in German. As far as we can see there is no provision for subtitles. Is it supposed to be that way. Has anyone seen it?
  2. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    The beginning starts with magneto getting separated from parents,lang is in german subs are limited to him calling out "moma" then subs switch to what is normally referred to as "hard of hearing" with words such as "yelling" or "eric speaking",however when magneto & the prof are talking in german lang there is english subs available in fact 1 of 2 streams can be selected,i assume sub track 3 & 4 are director & or actor etc comments making a total of 4 sets of selectable subtitles,these subs i'm talking about have to be selected if the program your using doesn't automatically display them,if you run the movie thru dvdfab after it analyses the disc,if you select subtitle tab it will show any subtitles that are available,be sure to set fab in setting to show whatever subs you want to view as default then tick show all,it's at the bottom of sub picture setting window

    edit:settings accessed at top right of main GUI of dvdfab the green circle with the tick
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2011
  3. deezalboy

    deezalboy Regular member

    Dec 29, 2007
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    Thanks we worked that out but got ordinary subtitles with hard of hearing. Do you know how to change that to just ordinary subtitles?
    Also i`ve been trying to get subtitles to work on my computer through Windows media player but no luck. I tried through WMP and the disc setup but it doesn`t do it.
  4. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    Yeah ordinary subs combined with hard of hearing is what i have also,normally the two are separate however as you've experienced it,it's not done with this movie.

    Nah for watching movies cyberlink power dvd,vlc or k-lite full in that order..lol..,ok try vlc first it's a lighter mp,subs accessed thru "video" in menu bar,then if you need to increase brightness click "tools" then effect & filters

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