to huskies7, sorry dude but my kowledge of the xbox only goes so far.. is a dammed shame but I think you're going to need more specialiazed help than the kind I can provide. You should try other threads for your problem or start one yourself... same thing I did when started this one. to mughugger, pal the dashboard issue easy just install it again.. that's in case you have a modded console otherwise sorry... can't help you, as far as the memory thing ... deleted data remains deleted...sorry once more..ohhh and when I say modded is softmod o hardware mod it doesn't make any diference at all. Well good luck to you all and hope can fix these problems ...
rhanazgul thanks for all the help. i should have listened to you from the beginning, and burned it to a dvd. that way i wouldnt have messed with my xbox and i wouldnt be in this problem. i guess ur right and i should try to start a new thread. if you can find anything about this, please send another reply, but if you cant, thanks anyway. youve been a great help. i noticed that my xbox can play actual games that arent burned, and i know the IP address to it, but everytime i try to ftp, it says connection refused. do you of any game that automatically restores the dashboard or anything so i can fix this? anybody? if you can, thanks.
rhanazgul how do i install my dashboard again because when i softmodded my xbox i clicked restore and now i dont have adashboard it goes to the screen with the big x then it goes to the game
ok so my emulator works and everything, but there is no sound, and i have tryed both the audio plugins, what do I do about that?
ok, I just need to know how to put N 64 games on to my xbox, I tryied copying it into the surreal 64 rom folder but it didn't show up on the list, nothing shows up on the list, someone please help me, oh and I will not be checking back on the forum so please e-mail me,
Surreal 64 problem.. Ok, I've been suffering the same problem as most people. Now I fixed mine differently. My surreal 64 setup is setup up in my F:/Apps/Emulators/Surreal64 I also have a E drive where saved files are kept. I set the surreal64 ini files as so: Rom Path=D:\Roms\ Media Path=D:\Media\ Then save that and transfer that file back to the xbox. I then went back to the E:/ and located the tdata. In that folder was a folder with "a64fea57". Inside was 2 files and another surreal64 ini file. I deleted that folder and rebooted the xbox. I started up the emu again and it worked, all the roms showed up and had no problems. The folder I erased in the E:/ was replaced when I started the emulator and 2 more files were added. I guess it fixed itself. Try doing that. Gryph
Ok here is my setup. I had a friend at work hook me up with avalaunch for xbox and a bunch of emulators one of them being surreal 64. When I go to play roms all I get is "loading roms..." in white on the screen and then nothing happens. My roms are all there but they none will ever load. Keep in mind I just have my xbox to work with what do I need to do to get the roms to load? Thanks.
Well, I deleted avalaunch from mine, but if you are running surreal 64 from your emulator, the emulator should show up as surreal 64 and a little toadstool character should be on the screen along with the blue format screen with some menus. On the bottom right is a icon that you should press, and that will refresh your roms on the list. Make sure that your roms are in the roms folder in the surreal64 folder in the ROMS folder. These games or roms should have the .v64 after the rom name. If they are not, I'd advise you to change it to that extension. Then run the rom again.
Ok I do have the toadstool character and I will check on that tonight, I appreciate your help. Thanks I will let you know what I find.
Well, from your computer via ftp to the xbox, find your emulator in the root directory, i.e. F://APPS/Emulators/Surreal64/Roms. There are other places it may be depending on where you placed the emulator on your xbox, but that is the most general area. once you get there from your computer, you can view the files of rom that you have and ftp more roms as you see fit. alos, if you do place roms in that folder and the roms do not load when you start the emulator, then try clicking on the lower right hand icon to refresh your list. If that doesn't work, then try erasing your ae64 folder as I mentioned from the previous first posting. Doing so resets the emulator settings, but make sure all your paths are correct in your .ini files. Good luck. Gryph
whts the newest version of surreal 64? if someone has the latest version could they give me a link to download thanks alot if someone gets it
Alright, ive read through this whole thread and tried to get it to help me fix my problem but it hasnt really been able to help because I seem to be a couple steps behind everyone. I bought this Xbox off someone and it is modded and came with all the Emulators on it. So, I dont have the emulators on my computer or anything like that. I seem to have the same problem most people are having: my Roms wont load when I open Surreal64. I tried refreshing and stuff but that didnt work. My directory is broken down as: F:/Emu/Surrel 64/Roms. Im not too good at this stuff but ive come to the conclussion I cant open the .ini files on the Xbox itsself, so I have to open it on my computer? I tried doing what the person a couple posts above suggested and deleting the folder a64fea57 from my E/TDATA folder but it wouldnt let me delete it. Can anyone help me from here? Do I need to have the rom on my computer to edit the file? Im extremely confused and not very good at this technical stuff. Keep in mind that I got the Xbox with everything already on it so im even more lost because of this. Any help would be really appreciated.
You can only open your .ini files on your computer. Once you make the adjustments, you just simply copy and paste the file back into the folder it came from and say yes to replacing existing file. Anyways, I've never had any problems deleting the mentioned fea64 folder from the location. You have to access this folder from you computer through an FTP.
So how exactly do I use this FTP program to access the files? Like I said.. when I got the Xbox everything was already equipped so I dont really know how to do any of this stuff. Do I have to copy the program to a disc and put on the Xbox, or what? Sorry if I sound like a newbie here but that is exactly what I am haha.
Sorry, I guess I'm not up to date as far as the new software and stuff. But from my experiences I've had to open the .ini files from the computer. Anyways, to ftp to the xbox, you need to make sure you know the username i.e (xbox) and the password to the xbox which usually default is xbox. So to make things short it would be something along the lines of ftp://xbox:xbox@(ip address that the xbox gives you). That's just an example, you can do this through the internet browser or you can set this up through you network connections. Whatever you do, keep an original copy of whatever you're editing some place safe incase you mess up.
hey all i have downloaded the surreal64.rar file and have transfered to my xbox via FTP but there isnt a .xbe file on it to run the program where can i download it with the .xbe file other then any help would be great jaden_223
I don't ever remember there being an .xbe file attatched to run surreal64. As far as I know, you need to open up that .rar file and extract them before you run the emulator on the xbox. As for finding a place to download the files, we are not allowed to say where. Keep looking, and you'll find it out there somewhere. Good luck, Gryph.