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The Complete Guide and FAQ to making a XBOX GAME BACKUP! LOOK HERE BEFORE MAKING "How to..." THREADS!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by Quadratic, Dec 30, 2004.

  1. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    @ halose7en... think maybe if you put the disk you made in the xbox after booting unleash or your ftp client you may well see a folder called shaolin rather than the list of stuff you should have..plus that checks if the xbox can actually see the disks you use....if you are new to all this I recommend Extract Xiso by Huge or CloneXB-(google or pm me before 11.pm UK, away 4 weekend) for making the Xiso...very straightforward..I fell out with Qwix, it's ok for experts and home-brewers but far too easy to get it wrong for my liking...

    Also you could try ripping the game (off the original)to the HDD and then see if it plays

    That's a bit of a strange list..This isn't a demo disk is it??

    Keep it simple and it will work (I had (HAD) a friend who told me all sorts of crap info about how to make these backups...It's really not that hard when you know how, but his way was long and stressful..His backups are either glitchy or don't load...says it all!!)

    BTW Quad...have you checked out the drive/disk compatability list link I posted? Any use?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2006
  2. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    No xbox will play backups without being modded in one of two ways: mod chip or softmod.

    I took a look at it, but I prefer to stick with the Verbatim dvd+r :D

  3. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    @ Quad..Fine..I'm not trying to sell anything, just thought it might be useful when someone says I'm using "whatever" disks and my games don't work..I can add a few to that list too..some are "quality" but still don't work....(Ridisc blue 8X dvd-r..Ritek GO5..not compatible with philips drive)

    The rule really is "If you find something that works well for you..stick with it"

  4. bobromin

    bobromin Guest

    hey guys im really dum and i just wanted to ask what exactly is a game backup people. also I have a mod on my xbox ok. well my question is how do you put files on your xbox. do you need a cable? A Sofware? well if you need a sofware, how are you going to to get the file on the xbox. I want to find out how to put files on my xbox because i want to download games on my xbox. O yeah by the way while your answering that question i have other one. Where get the files to download the games. what I mean for example i wanted to download halo 2, where should i go to download the halo2 file. another question is where do you download dvd2xbox.
  5. nooberguy

    nooberguy Member

    Jan 10, 2006
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    Hello I'm getting my modded xbox in about a week. And I just started doing some research on making back-ups before hand. First off thanks for the excellent guide that help with ftp, network settings programs you need ect. Just have a couple of questions hopfully someone can help me.

    1.After you transfer the the files to your PC with Flash FXP, and after you make an xiso. I'm planning on using qwik. I'm going to burn on TY DVD-R. what if the iso won't fit on my DVD-R?

    2.The tutorial mentioned that you can remove xboxlive files. What do they look like? If I delete those 1st then build the ISO will it make my game freeze? Do you have to replace the xboxlive files with dummy files and rebuild?

    Thanks in advance for any additional imformation.

  6. Dragon_82

    Dragon_82 Guest

    Hi guys I hate to do this but I am about to throw my xbox out my 3rd floor window so here I am asking for help. I have been following the instructions on this site to back up xbox games. I have a crossover cable hooked up and my LAN says it is connected. Now my problem is that whenever i try to connect with my xbox i get the following xbox message :

    Connection Error
    This could be caused by any of the following reasons:
    Your network connection is down.
    The host address is incorrect.
    The server you are attempting to connect with is not available.

    Connecting to
    Connected to in 0.000000 seconds, Waiting for Server Response
    Error reading response from server.
    Connection closed by remote host.
    Host type (1): Automatic Detect

    Any help that you may be able to give me with this would be greatly appreciated before i take a sledgehammer to either my computer or xbox.

    Have a nice day
  7. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    If the ISO won't fit on the DVD-R then I guess you have a problem. If you have a DL burner then you could burn on DL discs, but if not then you're stuck unless you delete some files. Also, this is where a putting in a bigger hard drive is useful.

    What are your dashboard settings? Do you have your I.P. on static? What is your computer's I.P.?
  8. playhalo2

    playhalo2 Member

    Oct 11, 2005
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    is this going to take more thank 10 minutes and can't dvd2xbox work?
    if this will take long then can i just use the new maps from halo 2 or no?
  9. Timyon

    Timyon Guest

    Ok say you have a downloaded XBOXGAME.iso file from some of the Bittorrent sites, Is there anyway to get it to work on an XBOX that has not yet been modified? I know the previous threads say Modified XBOX no exception but since the whole purpose of modding is to get the files in an iso format and burn to a DVD. and assuming the person uploading the file has a modded XBOX and has followed the procedures correctly it should work on an unmodded XBOX now correct?

    After downloading 2 of these .iso file I burned it to a DVD+DL and then a DVD-R still didn't work so I am assuming you still need a modified XBOX huh? If so could someone educate me as to why? I mean the iso is already in the right format / file structure, and the DVD-r reads from the outside to the inside so why won't it work???
  10. Timyon

    Timyon Guest

    I used Nero to burn the iso and I am pretty familar with that process
  11. Jigen

    Jigen Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    Timyon- It's encryption my friend. Every official game is digitally "signed" by Microsoft using a 2048-bit encryption key. If this was cracked then you might get somewhere just burning the ISO with Nero. Until then you're just wasting your time.
  12. Skitzy

    Skitzy Regular member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    i could see this thread being a real headache for some of you great techs out there... and im sure i could figure this out with a little determination.... but i feel its best to leave this trick in the bag for now... i definetly want to do this and im sure i will.... ill wait till i get the mod chip installed and figure out a lil more about networking before i bother anyone about this subject... i dont even know what a mac address is or why an ip is static.... lol but my neurotransmitters arent producing enough static to wanna brainbust this one wide open... @ least not yet anyway...im just taking up space i will shut up now
  13. miltont

    miltont Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Im trying to make ISO Backups for Gun & Silent Hill 4 with
    C-Xbox Tool Version 2.06 but doesnt finish the creation!
    Also tried to ftp the folders to my hard drive and also frezzes
    in the process! What other method or software have you done it succesfully?
  14. Jigen

    Jigen Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    Never tried Silent Hill 4, but Gun copied easily with Qwix and burned with Nero. Just another day at the office.
  15. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    No troubles with either of these, both small enough as well so I can't see why the problem..I never used c-box tool, don't need to..got this down pat.. but from what I read it's ok
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2006
  16. jjc12345

    jjc12345 Member

    Dec 16, 2005
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    I have successfully connected my pc to my xbox via flash ftp, but when i go to click on d: drive there are no files, do i need to adjust any settings?

    Thanks so much.
  17. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    There needs to be a disk in..open one of the other drive folders..then go up a level and the D:\ should then have a size and you can open it...

    Make sure you use something like cloneXB for the xiso till you get the hang of it...Qwix is awkward..

    @miltont...if you still here...

    Sounds like you run out of drive-space...heh heh ;-)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2006
  18. jjc12345

    jjc12345 Member

    Dec 16, 2005
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    Yep tried different xbox games in the drive but no luck, it finds the drive folders ok, but when i click each of them to enter them there are no files there, flashftp says there are folders there but no files.

    Any more suggestions?

  19. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Try copying the game onto the xbox HDD and moving them from that folder..Maybe firewall issue..
  20. curious24

    curious24 Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    ok so i read and read and read but the question i have is .... how do you get a game to burn on a dvd if its less than 1gb but more than 700 mb weve tried but cant seem to get it to play or for that matter even burn i think we use the programs qwix, nero, dvd decrypter, and one click dvd. i dont know if it is possible but i hope someone can answer this for me i am a newbie to the burning system thanx for the time to read this.

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