The Complete Guide and FAQ to making a XBOX GAME BACKUP! LOOK HERE BEFORE MAKING "How to..." THREADS!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by Quadratic, Dec 30, 2004.

  1. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Ain't it a pig?...Can your xbox play the disks you using?.Size doesn't matter..Galleon..I have on both..If CD try burning an audio cd...dvd try copying a film...If they work then you need to be sure you made an Xiso...see earlier..

    jjc with the FTP issue...Are there any errors coming up...This does sound like a firewall or permissions problem..Try clearing out the folder E:\cache (just the 2 or3 files in it..not the folder)..if that fails then try transferring the other way, an avi or mp3 or similar..just remembered..check your ftp app (tools or options on the toolbar menu ) to check you have permission to delete/move files..

    Sorry for the late answers...uplink problems with weather...
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2006
  2. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    ok,any game that cannot fit on a cd-R...unless it is a DVD-Film than it won't work.....The only way is to ftp the game to your HDD and play it from their..Plus it also saves disks
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2006
  3. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    There are about 40 games that go on a cd-r..Rollercoaster Tycoon..Jacked..Speedkings..Galleon..Ford vs Chevvy all come to mind..They will go on either cd or dvd as long as you make the Xiso yourself..not something ready made you downloaded(roller coaster tycoon needs a dummy file as well on a dvd..only 188Mb otherwise and a bit small for the drive to pick up)Then a strange one..Monopoly Party comes out at 745Mb but burns to dvd no problem. Any iso over about 710Mb needs a dvd and then the limit is still 4.3-4.4 50Cent is out at a massive 5.7Gig,, you can't even ftp that onto a stock drive..there isn't a partition large enough...It's into the world of dual layer burning and I don't have that kind of technology..

    As for burning I just use Nero Express and burn the Xiso as a saved project at 8x on dvd and 24x on a cd..So far there are over 300 disks in my box..

    (edit) I had a weird one last night..Cabelas Outdoor Adventures..came out at 848meg but insisted on being burned on a cd (even though I set my drive to dvd! it changed the mode at the burn)..then Nero said there wasn't room...I found the solution, I burned the iso with Alcohol120 in dvd-dao-raw mode and no more troubles..
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2006
  4. JXP2307

    JXP2307 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    OK.... huh? I have soft modded my xbox using Knaves Ndure 4.0 Splinter cell game exploit. Then I used AID 3.0 to install other apps and such. Do these auto installers "automatically" flash my bios, or do I need to do that manually.

    Basically, how "auto" is "auto?"

    Am I making sense?

  5. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Softmods don't "flash" the bios. It installs another bios into the hard drive and re-directs your system to use the one it installs instead of the original.
  6. JXP2307

    JXP2307 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    So if I have softmodded my xbox, then I will be able to play burned games? Without flashing my bios?
  7. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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  8. JXP2307

    JXP2307 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2004
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  9. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Put this here because it's the complete guide..

    Found a way to burn working disks with the Asus 1608 and the Pioneer 109
    They don't work if you burn the ISO, but if you mount it in the new update of Alcohol 120% first then copy disk from the mounted one no more problems..

    The update has fixed the problem of the "Invalid sector size" that was the result of trying to mount the image previously : )
  10. d2rights

    d2rights Member

    Jan 13, 2006
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    I managed to read some of the files on a game
    and save them to my pcs hard drive it said transfer finished successfully for the files it also said
    (502 pasv is not implemented and 502 noop is not implemented)
    is that normal for every file

    when I first tryed geting the files on my computer using flashfxp there where none under D drive with the game in the xdrive until I clicked refresh than all the files showed up in D drive flash fxp said at the end of transfering the files to my pc that there were 18 unsuccessful. what can I do to fix this? I had both the windows firewall and another firewall turned off when trying to get the files
  11. Red_Maw

    Red_Maw Regular member

    Nov 7, 2005
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    How do you mod your xbox so it can read backups?

  12. SlimHiggy

    SlimHiggy Guest

    You have two options my friend, you can either softmod the xbox yourself (all you need is Splinter Cell, Mechassault or 007: Agent Under Fire and an action replay device [or another modded xbox]) or you can send it away for a cost so that they can do it for you
  13. SlimHiggy

    SlimHiggy Guest

    Now can someone please help me with a problem I have making backups of my games, (Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter and Fifa 06) as I have followed this guide step by step and my softmodded xbox will not read the discs (Mirror Platinums) burned with either Nero Burning Rom 7 or DVD Decrypter. Would I benefit from using Craxtion rather than Qwix?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2006
  14. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    You would probably do better using CloneXB and nero6/alcohol 120%...and better disks..are they by any chance + ? Try burning a film on one and see if the drive picks it up...If it doesn't play a film then it's the a note about Craxtion... is your OS "legal"? you have to go begging to MS for the runtimes to use it.. and it's complicated buggy **** anyway. I don't use it and only hear of people having trouble with it, wasting disk after disk and getting annoyed.. Qwix is easier but still a sledgehammer to crack a nut...In 3 years I have only had to use it twice!! and never had to use crax... These apps were made for building homebrew apps and installer disks.. they aren't for (no offence intended) n00bs.. get cloneXB or extractXiso and make life easy

    Once more with feeling...

    The way to rip an xbox game is

    FTP the contents of the disk into a folder on your pc
    Make an xiso with cloneXB or extractXiso
    Burn the iso as a saved image to a dvd-r at 4X with Nero6 or Alcohol120%
    Put it in your xbox and play it!


    3+ years ago when I started people had a simple answer to this question.... "F.. off and do some learning"..(they weren't usually that polite!) and then you got banned from the site for piracy... How times have changed :)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2006
  15. SlimHiggy

    SlimHiggy Guest

    Ok thanks for the advice, upon inserting a movie disc it says 'No Disc' rather than 'Unknown'. I am in the process of trying Extract-XISO just in case. As for CloneXB, that came up with some sort of 'incorrect parameter' error. Oh and I know what you mean about people's attitudes a few years ago
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2006
  16. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Hey Slimhiggy.. I wasn't having a go at anybody in particular...the no disk error is interesting..It's like there is a problem with the disks or the burn rather than anything you're doing wrong..

    Normally you get an Unknowh with a data disk, rather than an xiso..or the game still has it's media check left on

    List exactly the steps you take to get a fail..and I'll see if I can work out where everything is going wrong..

    It's strange because with media center loaded you can even play AVI files off a disk
  17. SlimHiggy

    SlimHiggy Guest

    I think the best bet is to use different discs so I have ordered a fresh pack of Verbatim dvd-r discs as I have followed your advice exactly and not had any results so it must be the discs. Thanks for all your help anyways.
  18. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Good can always give my shoutbox a hit if you need some help..theres a disc compatability thread at xbox scene..but I can't for the life of me find it.. It's huge too.. Duh!
  19. SlimHiggy

    SlimHiggy Guest

    I bought a new 25 spindle pack of TDK dvd-rs, but now I seem to have a problem eith my DVD writer. It is a HP 630c with CH16 firmware, but whenever I try burning the XISO onto one of the discs with Nero or DVD Decrypter I get a write error.
  20. JXP2307

    JXP2307 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    This guide works very well. I have been able to backup Advent Rising, as well as Halo/Halo 2.


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