The Complete Guide and FAQ to making a XBOX GAME BACKUP! LOOK HERE BEFORE MAKING "How to..." THREADS!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by Quadratic, Dec 30, 2004.

  1. llongtheD

    llongtheD Guest

    To play xboxlive you have to boot from the MS dash, and you'll find out quickly that you cannot play backed up games from there, only originals. You need a modded xbox to play backups, and if you try to log on with any other dash than the original, you will be banned. If you are using another online service such as xbconnect, or Kai, you can fit halo 2 onto a dvd by deleting the "bink" folder, when you back up your original of course. You will not see the intro cinematics it will just say loading but the game will play fine.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2005
  2. dieu

    dieu Guest


    I am curious what this "modding" entails. How do I mod my Xbox in order to do backups?

    Thank you.
  3. llongtheD

    llongtheD Guest

    Hello dieu, I think you could do a quick search on google and find the answer to that question.
  4. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Just delete the Xbox Live files man.

    Deleting the Xbox Live files doesn't affect the game itself. The Xbox Live files are only there for people who want to create an account. I deleted the Xbox Live files on my backup and the Xbox Live tab was still there.

    BTW, you couldn't play on LIVE with your backup and modchip anyway ;)
  5. djboogie

    djboogie Regular member

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Quadratic made a very good point there, and all noobs should listen;-)
    DONT trying playing xbox live with a backup. And removing the live files form a game, wont matter at all, like he said, you cant use it on live.
    I think the best iso creation app (thats widley available) is qwix, the reason I say that, is qwix , unlike craxtion, DOESNT look for a default.xbe file to create the iso. What this means is you can make a dvd full of divx movies etc for media center.
    Craxtion 4.0 is a good app for creating iso's too. Those 2 are the ones to get, its your choice really, but I do find that qwix will make isos sometimes, wheras craxtion has trouble when the files get into the thousands (I had to use qwix to make my auto installer, (pssst, djboogie's installer v 1.1 available:)craxtion froze and errored)
    No offence to noobs, I mean we have all been there, but you need to read a bit more,
    Quadratic took the time to put down some great stuff there, and all you need to do is read what he wrote, its all there.
    Do it in steps, and you'll be fine. You really shouldnt have much of a problem.
    SOMETIMES to connect to your xbox, you may need to close norton internet security etc Or other firewalls, (depending on the settings you have on it) when you connect xbox/pc but you can configure it to allow it.
    Going back to the q "what is an ethernet cable" and questions that constantly popup like that.
    USE GOOGLE!! (if you dont know what an ethernet cable is, then you maybe shouldnt be doing mods anyhow)
    A good place to get the crossover cable is I can vouch for them. They sell them in all lengths (I use a 25 foot one) and theyre pretty cheap (about $10 or so shipped for a 25 foot one)
    Ampsh regarding your need for speed 2, READ what quadratic wrote, you need to CREATE an xiso, not just burn the files as data to a disc, and you MUST use a application to create the iso, such as qwix or craxtion.
  6. llongtheD

    llongtheD Guest

    Didn't I say you couldn't play xbox live without a original disc about 3 posts prior to quadratics? djboogie, even if a NOOB tried to play a backup from the MS dash for any reason it wouldn't let them- has something to do with that whole recordable media thing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2005
  7. 0ldskool

    0ldskool Member

    Dec 18, 2004
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    llong is there a way to simply compress the file so i could fit it onto 1 disc without deleting anything. If so which program would i use and where would i find the guide to use it.
  8. llongtheD

    llongtheD Guest

    No, you can't compress any files like you can with a movie dvd.
  9. legend011

    legend011 Guest

    Hi, i have Evolution X dashboard but it always loads my games automatically, and there is no option to turn it off, now this is very frustrating and it would be good if someone could help me ASAP on how to burn games using ftp with my type of Evolution X.

    Thank you in advance.
  10. ampsh

    ampsh Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    hi again guys i used qwix ...job done thx for the help oh an by the way i dont want to play xbox live just single player
  11. llongtheD

    llongtheD Guest

    Legend011, there is a way to turn that off. In your evox menu go to system management, then go to evox settings. Scroll down until you get to the MISC category. Under that heading you will see that you can disable auto-launch of games, movies, music. has some great tutorials on your other question, you should visit their site.
  12. legend011

    legend011 Guest

    No, there isnt a evo x settings menu/bar in system management. Please help.
  13. legend011

    legend011 Guest

    My Evolution X is just a dashboard thing that appears in the top left hand corner of my screen saying EvoX when playing a burned game, otherwise my xbox is just a normal xbox that says Memory, Music, Xbox Live and Settings and thats all, please help me turn off Autoload.
  14. llongtheD

    llongtheD Guest

    You don't have the evox dash installed then, you've just flashed your chip with the evox bios. Now you need to get the evox dash to have those other functions. I think the latest version is 3935. Get an auto-installer like slayers, x-disk, or auto installer deluxe.
  15. legend011

    legend011 Guest

    what so u mean i can just download them the evox dash's like slayer, etc.
  16. legend011

    legend011 Guest

    and if so can u plz give me some lnks except for xbox-hq to download them, thank u, n make sure the downloads work.
  17. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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  18. legend011

    legend011 Guest

    Ok thanks ppl ive downloaded it and installed it on my xbox. But now i want to ftp my xbox into the computer, and im getting confused. Do i have to edit my xbox ip settings, and if so which settings, the one on Evolution X under system utilities or the one under settings on a normal xbox? and also do i need to change my routers ip and subnet mask, if so please tell me where to go so i can do this. please help me ASAP.
  19. llongtheD

    llongtheD Guest

    Do nothing with your router, if you go into your settings on evox dash set it to DHCP. Your router will assign your box settings. Check out the tutorials on xbox-scene, heres the link.|482|#482
    Get a good FTP program like flash fxp. Its a very user friendly program for FTP.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2005
  20. jo2

    jo2 Member

    Jan 25, 2005
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    i have everything ready to go i can't connect my pc to the xbox though what do i do with my evo-x dashboard. Do i have to change the settings in any way any help would be appreciated.

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