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The Dark Side Of The Nintendo DS.

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by xChronox, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. snorlax22

    snorlax22 Regular member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    Just as I am capable of judging whether a building is on fire without actually having walk into and get burned, you'll have to believe when I say I am capable of judging whether a game is any good regardless of whether I purchased it, borrowed it from a friend, or played a copy of it. The notion that I can only properly evaluate a game I paid for is bollocks in my opinion.

    If you give somebody 5 choices, they might look at all 5. If you give them 100 choices, they will more than likely sift those hundred down to 5 they might be interested in and try those. Basic time management.

    Yes, nothing quite like seeing a wall coming and then rather than having the good sense to change course deciding to go ahead and smash into it anyway. "This game is awful, but I paid for by Jupiter and I'm going down with it! Aiiieeeeee!" I really like hitting myself in the head with a brick because it feels so good when I stop. Okie-dokie.

    Having said that (and been a little over the top), I understand and take your point about "investement." It is perfectly valid to say someone is probably more invested (literally and figuratively) in a game that they have purchased than in one they have borrowed. I think you can probably also recognize, however, that some people are fairly picky about where they invest their time and dollars and rather than make the best of a bad situation when it comes to a loser dog of a game, they just find another game. People have to make the best out of bad situations so often these days I'm sure one can understand the impulse to not do this with games and to simply find better games to play.

  2. bboy1

    bboy1 Regular member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Well thats just my opinion and everything I say is based on personal experiences and what I experience with my friends. I think what I say is right in some people but maybe not you guys. Half my friends don't even play DS anymore. I try and look back at when I had the flash card on GBA and relate it to them and I can see why. They download like 200 DS roms and play em for a little while and can't be bothered to play anymore. They say 'meh' to some of the best games on the DS because it requires time to truly see what the game has to offer (like most games) and instead play some other lame game that they wouldn't buy but which is funny or fun for like 1 day. They can't be bothered playing 1 game for any decent length of time because they want to try all the other games they downloaded.They have access to all these games and so it's spoiling the fun out of actually playing good games.

    It's like when I said in my earlier post about some rich kid who buys all the games. When I was little I had to depend on my parents to buy me a game for like my birthday or Christmas...so it was something special yeah? But if you can go out and buy every single game it's not as fun. You might be like 'wtf is this guy on about...they're just video games..' and this may not be everyone's opinion but I'm sure there's others out there that feels the EXACT same way...
  3. kmjt3112

    kmjt3112 Guest

    true enough squire....

    personally i used to buy games, and miss doing so. Ok now they are free but you do get a certain satisfaction out of a new game. The game itself doesnt become better but as you have less games you are more likely to play them, were as if you download it, it must be top of the range for you to bother as you have hundreds ready to be played.
  4. juniR

    juniR Guest

    How you feel is nothing at all to do with any logical argument - Emotions and sensations are a result of events and circumstances, such as receiving a present for Xmas. Your brain files that away without analysis and you automatically associate feelings in a more general way with that. It's not purely to do with how good a game is - it's known as nostalgia. Until you learn to differentiate between the thrill of buying something or receiving it as a gift, the commercial value of something and how enjoyable it is standalone then you can't actually know if you are being honest with yourself and I would claim that you can not enjoy actually playing games as much someone who is less sentimental... and that for me is the whole point of a game - to enjoy playing it.

    If you package it all together with the shiny box and the desire to posess something tangible then there's no way you can ever be truly objective about any game. You are already biased cos EVERY game looks great on the store shelf or when you've just taken the giftwrap off. You are gonna give it at least 5/10 before you even play it ;)
  5. Fakamaz

    Fakamaz Member

    Mar 27, 2007
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    Ok, when you go to a cinema for a film witch appears to be a total crap, isn't is a waste of cash? And how many films per year are crap particularly for you? So why don't one ever go to a cinema again, as IMHO most of the films nowadays are total crap! 8)
    It's ridiculous man, no one thinks like this, so why do we think exactly like this in a game terms? 8)
    And true - one can check review before buying a game. It will spend him lot of nerves.
    Yet, I am not agree about "romanticise" as it is strictly up to a person how to treat anything. I do understand that there is not difference if you play a legal game or rom, it is not even a legal issue (which most of us don't give a damn really - you do listen to MP3, right?), it is more like - you don't have as much fun as before!
    And in this - I 100% agree with the first post and bboy1.
    So please, please let us to buzz about this issue a bit more, mkey?
  6. juniR

    juniR Guest

    The cinema is nowhere near as expensive as a game is and yes there is a load of crap but I do read reviews on just about anything I'm interested in spending my money on - games, media, hardware, holidays and it's not that hard, saves me a lot of money and even more precious time. Also, you don't pay to own the movie unless you buy it on DVD and if you don't rent or see the movie first then you take a chance. So I dunno what this has to do with buying games and saying they are better if you buy them?

    Like I say I don't see the connection you are making with ppls compulsion (cos it all points to emotional compulsion) to own games :O

    I check reviews daily - most games and dvd realeases. It's an enjoyable experience often, doesn't take up loads of time but I like to watch trailers for games in particular even if I'm not thinking about buying anything- I reckon millions do that everyday. I used to buy every game for the PS1 (back in the day) if it got 80% or more - big mistake but it's what I guess those that want to own games do ;) I'm cured now tho hehe!

    Read the first post m8 - when ppl enthuse about stuff that is about the experience surrounding an event and holding it up like it's a bright light in the sky it definitely sounds romantic to me.

    As far as mp3s are concerned - music is a passion with me. It's what I do for a living. The accessibility without commercial packaging that digital music has brought is one of the most beautiful things to happen to the art form and the industry. But you will never be able to say that a song sounds better if you paid for it no more than if you got it for free. It's pristine either way - and that is definitely romantic ;) ...

    ...Off topic but tbh cinema and music have absolutely no place in this thread anyway. The arguments you put forward don't address the issues which are largely a matter of common sense or lack of it as the case may be.

    Hey whatever floats your boat - the guy said, "discuss," not, "Only post here if you agree 100%."
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2008
  7. silk42

    silk42 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2007
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    I'm surprised I haven't heard this one yet.

    "I download games because I don't want to contribute to the earth's demise by purchasing games that are made of plastic along with the packaging."

    The term "Green" could definitely be applied to this situation. I would be surprised if anyone here actually downloaded games purely for this reason. If so, money isn't the issue. I wonder if you could contact Nintendo and send them the money for the game without actually having them send you a game? That could be an argument for them to enter into an online downloading store, similar to what happened with MP3s. I know I wouldn't have a problem paying for games that I could download. Plus, they could offer demos for people to try before they buy, which is another argument that I've heard from many people.
  8. juniR

    juniR Guest

    lol silk42

    Actually I do prefer to download because I do NOT want the packaging and was most disappointed recently when Steam didn't offer COD4 for the PC as cheap as it was in the stores cos then I had to have the CD and case as well. Nothing to do with th DS I know but I say this to stress that it actually is preferable to only have the software and there's nothing special about the case etc. So I guess I am "politically" correct at least lol. I have bought most of my recent software for the PC this way and everytime I have been just as excited as I was back in the old days when I had to jump in my car and drive to town to buy the latest sonic catridge!

    It's ALL about the game itself - I'm a veteran of 30 years video gaming experience and I have learned to see thru the BS :)
  9. OmegaGnat

    OmegaGnat Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    Actually i am inclined to disagree...a film is much more expensive as most are only 1.5-3 hours long, where as any game worth its salt will drop the price/hour vastly in comparison. I rarely go to the theater any more as it is much too expensive for what they offer. I also happen to think if a movie sucks i should be refunded my money as i can not be refunded my time.

  10. juniR

    juniR Guest

    Actually i am inclined to disagree...a film is much more expensive as most are only 1.5-3 hours long, where as any game worth its salt will drop the price/hour vastly in comparison. I rarely go to the theater any more as it is much too expensive for what they offer. I also happen to think if a movie sucks i should be refunded my money as i can not be refunded my time.

    Oh any game "worth it's salt?" What about the vast majority that aren't? Nice argument - generalise about movies in order to make a specific comparison with ONLY good games. But in an ideal world I'd agree with you. I'd like my money back if a movie sucks. I'd also like my money back if a game sucks after I tried to get into it for 10 hours as I can't get my time back for that either. I'd like my money back if my football team doesn't win when I expect them to. Yeah good point LOL

    What did I say? - read carefully again - I spoke specifically about listening to the same song without suggesting that it be a good or bad rip but you obviously missed that point and are embelleshing the argument for whatever reason :p. Just so you get it - the EXACT same song file payed for or not - now re-read what I said and maybe you'll understand it properly. ;)

    If you pay more attention, the thread is actually more about the claim that, everything else to do with packaging and actually holding the game in your hand, buying games, building collections etc., add to the overall buzz of the game. Nit-picking over quality of movie releases and comparing them to actual perfect copies of gaming roms where you are going to see NO difference between that and the cartridge is absolutely irrelevant. There is NO comparison. It's so much less to do with piracy than you obviously assume it is.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2008
  11. Fakamaz

    Fakamaz Member

    Mar 27, 2007
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    Who said "Only post here if you agree 100%"? 8)
    Point is - the guy in the first post issues very interesting topic (imho). Yet, somehow it went to a totally different direction. And the thing is - when you tell ppl not to do something, because it is lack any sense for you, doesn't necessarily mean that it is like this for me, or for a guy who actually made this post. So, try to read your own quote and think about it, hmm? 8)
  12. juniR

    juniR Guest

    Sorry my mistake - I didn't understand your English tbh - I actually struggled with a few things in your post... no offense but it's just misinterptetation.

    Anyway - my points are made with supporting logical argument and isn't just trying to say anyone should feel the way I feel. But just cos you feel something is good you can't simply tell others it is good and expect "that is like this for me" either - It's called having an opinion so try to accept that I have just as much right as you to say how I feel - think about that hmmm?

    You have said that the topic went in a different direction and I don't get that - not at all m8... If you ask me you are STILL saying that ppl who don't agree shouldn't post! "Discuss," to me means, "tell me what YOU think."

    Happiness and enjoyment - there is no accurate measurement for these things but you and others can actually claim it's better with your approach? I disagree and I'm not supposed to. LOL

    I reckon you just wanna feel how you do and don't like me saying there's a better way to look at it - well that's entirely up to you m8. I have no problem at all with that. I ain't in the business of leading horses to water. I'm too busy making sure I get a good drink myself ;)

    ...and on that note I'm gonna grab a beer - beer tastes nice and is better than coke. I know there's those that would put forward strong arguments why it's not but I like it better so it must be and the more empty tins I collect, the happier I feel ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2008
  13. Fakamaz

    Fakamaz Member

    Mar 27, 2007
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    I guess you have some problems with reading, man 8) As I never ever wrote that you should feel or act or do anything like I do. On the contrary - it is you who is trying to make such a thing.
    And sorry... English is not my native language, yet - somehow there is only one person who is having difficulty reading my posts. Guess who is it? *)

    Sure thing, now as I see you are not only trying to tell me how to feel, you are actually know what I am thinking and what I want to do (I just want you feel same as I do and don't like you saying there's a better way...). Did you ever thought in your life that YOUR opinion is not the only one? Or maybe you do like teaching ppl? If it is so - I am so sorry for my posts, I have never meant to heart your feelings 8)

    I guess you are talking about ppl like yourself here? As no one, except you are trying to prove something here. And, maybe try to smoke some pot, instead of drinking beer. Maybe it will calm you down, your posts are kinda tense.
    Sorry for my English, just in case you had some more difficulties reading this post8)
  14. juniR

    juniR Guest

    Forgot this thread

    I was gonna leave this cos I know ppl get bored with all this rhetoric but the naughty side of me kicked in - I never take stuff personally because I like a bit of debate... it's great fun.

    Anyway - I always love it when they get to the point they start reading emotions into the text. Yeah I'm way stressed and you hurt my feelings... LOL it's old, childish simple bait but still funny after all these years.

    But the one that creased me up was the bit where you say that I'm the only one trying to "prove something here" lol... Hello!!!! Knock!!! Knock!!! Are you saying that all your replies were gratuitous BS or am I wrong in thinking you were trying to make a point or two yourself? If you ask me - and I like to think I been about a bit - I'd say it was a bit of both and it dropped you right into the Hypocrisy Hotel, though on reflection it would seem that's your home ROFLMFAO.

    The beer was a metaphor ;) I don't like to promote drug use but in truth I actually prefer a spliff when I'm debating - that does NOT mean it's good for you despite what my fellow member says. ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2008
  15. Fakamaz

    Fakamaz Member

    Mar 27, 2007
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    Long time no see!
    I guess your "debating" made your point here, as you can see - no one actually is writing to this post anymore. 8) Any ideas why? 8)

  16. juniR

    juniR Guest

    Yeah cos I sorted you ;)
  17. Fakamaz

    Fakamaz Member

    Mar 27, 2007
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    You wish you had! 8)
  18. juniR

    juniR Guest

    LOL - You still keep replying after asking that last question lol - Like I said you're a hypocrit but quite clearly a stupid one as well.

    Back in the water lil fish ;)

    I'm done with ya :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2008
  19. Fakamaz

    Fakamaz Member

    Mar 27, 2007
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    You know... it is shame that a person like you ever exists. Not having any arguments left you are trying to insult a person you are speaking with.
    Which is childish, and I am sure you know it by yourself.

    But, this only proves that you are a simple-minded typical half-wit with no actual knowledge on how to finish a mess you started.
    It is even more fun to read your previous post about "how you like to debate".

    And this only proves that it is you who is stupid after all.
  20. juniR

    juniR Guest

    Are you still "replying" and trying to "prove something"? ...the very things you implied I was the only one doing? If so, are you claiming that is not hypocrisy and not even stupid? I'm not insulting you for the sake of it - I'm just explaining the facts about you which everybody can see if they are interested - though I doubt they are. Don't go down the desperate path of trying to undermine me cos I put you in your place.

    If my insults are childish - and again - I say they are facts cos it's there in black and white... but if they are childish and you're above being childish and insulting ppl then what is all that BS in your last post? You do all the things you criticise me for - You can't have it both ways.

    You need to think before you hit submit cos I'm actually feeling embarassed for ya now.

    Reply again by all means - I think you will but just in case you haven't sussed it yet I can make ppl like you dance all day - anyway you are no challenge and the fun is fading.

    Call me all the names under the sun. I don't care. But it ain't a shame a person like you exists. The world is about different ppl with different ideas and whilst I don't think you have much to offer me, I'm sure somebody values you - so no spiteful remarks or hatred from this quarter.

    Have the last word if you like - I'm defo fished with ya ;)

    No hard feelings.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2008

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