hey doc - just letting you know i took the twins to the eye doctor and everything is fine. we're off the kiddie doctor next week for a checkup and referal. I'll let you know how it turns out. and on a side note - you guys know i joke around as much as anyone else but this thread is a bit silly. stop and think about this for 1 second, we have a doctor in the house who is being cool enough to offer FREE advise, a freakin brain surgeon no less!! yeah joking is fun and good for the soul but lets try not to bore him to death or make light of this really cool thing we have going on here, we cant risk runnign the doc off before someone really needs some good sound advice from a doctor and cant afford to see one. Dont get me wrong, i'm not saying not to joke at all, i just dont want to scare off the doc by having a "little boy who cried wolf" thread when we can easily have other joke threads going. now carry on maggots!!
Hey doc... my left testicle swelled up the other day and hurt. The swelling's gone away and so has the pain, but the testicle is now twice as big as the right one. Anything I should be worried about?
you obviously didn't read a damn thing i wrote, i stated quite clearly that joking is good and healthy!!!! but i've seen way too many threads start as a good thing that would have been a constructive addition to aD, but they end in crap and get forgotten. I just dont want this thread to be one of them. i mean come on, how often can you get free good medical advice? now kindly pocket your 28% and stfu and if i dont say anything else can i squeeze in on 1-2%? we'll call it "hush money"
i'm prepared to take a pay cut of 3% just to keep you happy, you know share the wealth and all.The doc wont mind as he's still getting his 70% and dRD's getting his slice of the pie.Just don't tell ddp that your getting more than him or there be hell to pay.Gotta keep the mods happy.
@ darthnip im glad to hear that your children checked out just fine at the eye doctor, while i am still unsure about why your daughter sees the "colored sparkles," i am praying that the pediatrician next week will give you a definitive answer i guess i use my own judgement here in terms of REAL medical advice, as i told andmerr earlier, this thread has proven worthwile to me in terms of helping me relax and laugh a bit after a long day at work. while it might end up going towards a completely different direction in the future, i feel in the meantime, that i should be able to distinguish between what i consider a joke and a real problem someone might be experiencing. i sincerely hope it doesn't become another "boy who cried wolf" thread as you mentioned earlier, but, i will try to help those that i feel are being very serious about their questions. anyways, let's just keep our fingers crossed on this thread, i thank you darth for the compliments earlier and your own vote of confidence in me; i felt your question to me in that other thread was what i would consider a "serious and honest question" medically speaking and i tried to give you some advice to the best of my knowledge given what you told me. i think to differentiate the seriousness and content of these questions really has to do with how they are asked...for example, i have a feeling that often times members will try to get a laugh here and there with sexual innuendos or phallic related questions; boys will be boys as people say. but given the nature of most real questions, from a medical standpoint, i can prove to be somewhat helpful if i personally feel the question at hand proves to be authentic. good day to you all and stay healthy~
haha cool! tell you what, i'll drop it down to 0.5% and we'll use the remainder for the normal business expenses like strippers, booze, taxi cabs for when we're all too drunk to drive home, etc, etc. No need to keep me happy, i have a "ban" button, thats all the happy i could ever ask for. You just cant imagine the joy that comes from hitting a little "deactivate user" button when i see a "get your free ipod" post, or someone just acts flat out stupid, hell i'm smiling right now just thinking about it
the "ban user" button sounds nice...that's always an added plus~ it's nice to have that sort of control over a bad/stupid situation in the forums. rather than "get your free ipod"...maybe we can set something up where u could "get your free physical...courtesy of andmerr~!" hehe men need not apply~ have a good one all, dr. is out for tonight~
I take that party pooper jibe back darth your not giving me a hint about the ban button are you!!!!!!!
I'm on a "no baby flesh" diet so I can't eat it. I tried to suck it out with a shop vac but it hurt my bum trying to get the hose in there Maybe pliers and a friend with skinny arms?
thanks, that was a vision i could have done without, geez right before bedtime too! i'll have a freakin nightmare, but it'll still be funny.
Dear Dr. K, For some unknown reason, I have been losing weight recently. Picture attached. Please help!