Ah, the joys of Googling when something is too hard.... I was naughty and searched for a walkthrough....Trust me, if I hadn't, I know I never would have gotten past level 5. Or 6. Or...Well, pretty much any from that point onward. I did Level 9 only because I felt like looking at the source code....Something I never would have done, had I not been told to...
A word of caution: The "Author" has two very definite dislikes. 1. When people boast too much about their achievements. 2. When too many people give a direct answer to too many levels. How does the "Author" deal with this menace? The Author re calibrates the answers for certain levels )-: Can you imagine the grief that would cause? In it's original capacity it had 139 levels 188 people (worldwide) are known to have completed it but then they boasted too much, so the "Author" re-calibrated & added one more level. No one is known to have completed it since...... -