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the "game" forum more like the "were can i find a no-cd crack forum"!

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by PeaInAPod, May 7, 2006.

  1. Joeva

    Joeva Regular member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    Well i have never had problems with neph at all til about a week ago when i was talking about backing up games and he closed down my thread and it was the first time me and neph didn't see eye to eye.
    I do agree with you on your point that ppl spent time to pay for the game and that by buying the game we are supporting the company.
    And I myself work two jobs, so a 50 game is affordable. I own 38 original ps2 games, 21 original gamecube games, and 16 x box games(yes i just counted!). I am not bashful about using money.
    At the same time there are somethings that are overpriced. Adobe Photoshop 2 for 649.99 is just plain overpriced and if it were in a more reasonable price range I would have bought it. But it's not. So I backed it up. Some progs are either over priced, or out of my economic bracket, and I'd like to still enjoy them. That i'll admit I see is wrong. And I'll agree with you there.
    So where do I disagree with you? The video games. I can't tell you how many times I have bought a video game and its trash and I want to return it the same day and cant cause the package has been opened. It just isn't fair to us to pay 54.95 for a game and not even get an hours use/amusement out of it. So I use back-ups as a way of previewing games. The games that are good enough, should be bought. Do I keep to this 100% to be honest, no. However, I do try to keep to this. I am not a complete freeloader.
    You have to realize that while the video game does support the company. Most of the people have been paid their salaries already. And the game sales create bonuses for the people higher in the company. So I don't feel like I am killing the little man with a bit of piracy.
    My theory is that it evens out at the end of the day. For example $11 to see a movie is too much. But they sell enough in my opinion. But with the Dvd piracy, it evens out. This isn't an arguement to justify piracy. This is showing you some of the reasons for some of us.
    And Neph, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH CRACKERS AND CHEESE!!! I live by ramen myself. Its quick and it holds me down for a good enough time. I just wish it had less sodium in it.
    Hope I didn't make ya mad neph lol.

    You're mad.. Utorrent is definitly superior. Azureus is banned from a lot of places. Its treated almost like bitlord. Java doesn't really give it any sort of edge my friend.
  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    You aren't a pirate if you buy the games and I agree with you 100% that the game makers are hurting the guys who buy the games more than anyone else. When a game maker requires its customers to jump through hoops to get their game to run, if at all, then they're simply encouraging folks to pirate. I had a buddy shell out $55 for Doom 3 as soon as it hit the shelves only to find the game would not run. He kept getting an error saying emulation software was found on his system even though he'd never had any installed at any time. He couldn't fix a problem that didn't exist so he was stuck with a game he couldn't play and couldn't return (I hate Fry's electronics!). After that he swore he'd never buy a game again and I can't fault him for feeling that way.
  3. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    @ Pea,

    If I had $300 to drop on a vid card I'd get something like a GeForce 7900GT such as this one (I like eVGA),


    Then I'd pick up an Arctic Cooling Accelero X1 to keep it chilly. I put one on my 6800GS and its a beauty. With the stock HSF temps would hit well over 80ÂșC under full load but the Accelero knocked that down to the mid 60's - no small difference! Here's the link,


    As for overclocking you should cruise through and/or post in Other PC Hardware - we have some OC freaks hanging out there that'll be happy to help you :)
  4. Joeva

    Joeva Regular member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    I see you chose not to respond to me at all. We've fallen out of grace good ol neph?
  5. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Ah ya posted while I was busy typing away Joeva :)

    You didn't make me mad at all. I don't expect anybody to see eye to eye with me all the time especially with me being the lunatic that I am ;)

    I can understand where you're coming from but I'm still not swayed - I'm a stodgy old fart sometimes and believe the game companies should be supported. I know not every game's a winner but hey, them's the breaks. I'll never ever ever ever forget how pissed and disappointed I was years back with Daikatana. That was a sorry ass poor excuse piece of crap of a game if I ever saw one!
  6. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    *Edit - Duh! I'm way too tired to be doing this :p
    Last edited: May 13, 2006
  7. Weycraze

    Weycraze Regular member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    @ Joeva

    You are correct, I am Mad!!lol, but really I'm quite happy!!

    I'm just stubbornly stuck in my ways (habits), I just really like Azureus.

    You say it is banned; banned from what exactly?

    Because, I am a member with many, many private trackers, I'm on a 5 Mb cable connection, and I never see under 100Kb/s, my top speed was 689 Kb/s, My upload can peak at 150 - 200 Kb/s, I also can control my slots from zero to whatever.

    So how does this 'banned' thing affect me?

    Btw, I live in Canada, but I can't see that making a difference, other than the fact that My ISP cannot disclose to ANYBODY what I do with my internet connection.

    Enlight me with some 'cons' because from what I see here at this site with all the downloading "experts", I enjoy many 'Pros'.


  8. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    I IS STILL USING ME Pong Video Game since 1972
    look at the money i is saving.........*(so their...

    Pong is a simple and addictive video game. A tiny "ball" floats back and forth across a "net" bisecting a dark Television screen, and two players use knobs to manipulate "paddles" on the screen to hit the ball. The instructions are spare: "Avoid missing ball for high score."

    Before there was Pong, there was Odyssey, invented by Ralph Baer in 1966. Programmed for 12 games, Magnavox's TV-based game required plastic overlays to identify colored playing fields on the screen. It also came with two hand controls and such traditional board game equipment as dice, playing cards, and play money. Consumers strongly preferred Pong's simplicity, and Pong and its numerous knockoff relatives dominated the game market until 1977, while Magnavox abandoned Odyssey about a year after its 1972 debut.

    when i am done playing i use me puter to cook me dinner
    Last edited: May 14, 2006
  9. Weycraze

    Weycraze Regular member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    You're hard drive looks a little well done!LOL

    Now that's funny.
  10. PeaInAPod

    PeaInAPod Active member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    @everybody, thank you for making your suggestions on my videocard dillema. However I forgot to post a lot of basic info. I have already purchased a Asus SLI Motherboard. So I would like to go with Nvidia so if i choose to i can go SLI. The only game I really play now is FEAR and its recommends a 6600, 6800, or 7800 series Nvidia card. I will not buy a 6600 card as its basically outdated. I am not sure if the newere Nvidia cards (7900,7600,etc) work with FEAR and I am not sure were I can on this. So if you know or know a place were i can check on this thanks.
    @ Neph.
    Thank you so much for recommending a Arctic Accelero cooler.I was going to buy one. But by the time I could buy one I forgot what they were called. So thanks I'm off to newegg now to bookmark the page so i dont forget again! And thansk for the info on were to look for overclocking stuff.

    Hey man dont put yourself down. I am all for no-cd/dvd cracks when the person using them OWNS the original I just cant stand people who use them for piracy purposes. I use a no-cd crack for my install of FEAR. I installed it with the genuine discs and copyed disc 5 ( i believe thats the one that "activates" the game) so I could play the game with a copy and keep my originals 100%.

    Remember even if what you take isnt a pysical object its still stealing!
    Last edited: May 14, 2006
  11. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    They work very well. The 7xxx series are nVidia's latest generation :)
    Last edited: May 14, 2006
  12. PeaInAPod

    PeaInAPod Active member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    Nephilim!! Please post back I am about to go to newegg and buy my card and its cooler. Are you sure that the 7900 cards are compatible with FEAR? If not this is the current card I am looking at it is a:
    Asus 6800-GT
    w/ 256mb GDDR3 ram
    w/256mb interface
    w/ pci-xpress interface
    w/core clock 350
    w/memory clock 1000
    w/16 pixel pipelins

    The above mentioned card is $240 and I my powersupply more than accomodates it. Do you think I should spend the extra $150-$250 dollars on a new powersupply and the card? Or is the card I have listed above "acceptable"?
  13. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    What make/model/rating PSU do you have?

    If you decide on a 6800 series card I'd highly recommend the 6800GS which is factory overclocked. I don't see the eVGA that I bought at newegg anymore but they still have the 6800GS made by both XFX and Gigabyte (I prefer XFX) although they're both backordered at the moment.

    I just had a look here,


    and they don't list the 7900 series GPU as supported but when looking through user reviews of the 7900GT at newegg I noticed several folks commenting on how well FEAR ran on the card. I personally don't see why it wouldn't run and wouldn't worry about it, but that's me :)

    The 7800 series are great cards and are listed on FEAR's website so they may be an option for you as well.
  14. PeaInAPod

    PeaInAPod Active member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    Thanks Nephilim.
    I will keep this in mind. I also contacted (via email) the maker(s) of FEAR and asked them if it was supported or not. I ended up not buying it last night as when I was checking up on the other parts I have bookmarked I noticed that my CPU had a big discount and stuff so I opted to buy it for the time being. All I need is some ram, keyboard/mouse, windows, and my videocard (with accelero cooler)!! Im pysched this is my first build!
  15. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    First build eh? That's the one you'll always remember. Mine was a Pentium 1.8Ghz, an Intel D850MV mobo, 512 MB of RDRAM, a Yamaha CRW 3200 CD burner, a Pioneer 106(?) slot loading DVD ROM, Radeon 8500 vid card and a Turtle Beach Santa Cruz sound card all stuffed into a boring Antec full tower. My old man inherited it and he's still using it.

    Let mke know what the FEAR people have to say :)
  16. PeaInAPod

    PeaInAPod Active member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    Yeah Im pyshced about it. So far the parts I have got a AMD Athlon 64 3200 2.0ghz processor, Asus A8N-SLI mobo (not deluxe or supreme) 1.5 gigs of DDR400 ram, I/O Mega DVD+/-R/RW burner with Lite-On DVD player, Audigy 2ZS sound card (it aint no X-FI but for the gamer on the budget you cant beat it, $65 at newegg!), for the vid card i will know as soon as I hear back from the FEAR people, all inside a RaidMax Full Tower. i got this case for ease of building in my first build. It has a removable mobo tray,side facing hard drive cage(all HD's are on rails), and a couple other handy features made it a good "newb" builder case. But man the case is friggin huge! Ill try and remember to post the email i get.
    Last edited: May 17, 2006
  17. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    You sure got good start there. I might make a couple suggestions if you don't mind.

    If you want your RAM to run in Dual Channel mode (a very good thing for performance) you need to use either two or four sticks of RAM. If you stick three in there the RAM will run in single channel mode which is a real slow way to go about things. My recommendation would be to buy either a 2X512MB or 2X1GB matched set then drop in an identical set later on when you can afford it. Be sure to get good quality RAM - I like Mushkin myself but Corsair, Kingston and Crucial are good too.

    If you have your heart set on the I/O Magic drive then by all means get one but I can tell you that the BenQ DW1655 is arguably the best burner on the market and newegg is selling them for $39 right now,



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