Can't leave my post for lunch to eat in the cafeteria, so I have to let them put my lunch in whatever container they have handy.
My lunch today here. My last one, as tomorrow I work in the afternoon, after they shut down the cafeteria, and beginning friday I'm on vacation for a week. King chicken ranch, mixed veggies, mashed potatoes (still had chunks of potatoes and skins mixed in), salad (they forgot my dressing), and a 32oz tea. I was stuffed for a few hours.
OH man!!!!! Those look awesome!! We had Chinese food last night.... I love that stuff!!!! Yu Shang chicken and the house special fried rice!! Me is dreaming about it right now!!! Thanks for the egg loll pic there luvvy!! I wish we had that Cali-Chinese food here in Texas. It just seemed better there.
/me slumps over from starvation!! Or is it lust for those egg rolls?? Goodness those look incredible!! I can't handle it anymore, /me goes to memory resources for egg roll locating beacon!!! Did I miss Fergie?? I've seen him post in the PC section but nothing from him for food in a while.
It's not food but it had to be posted!!! I found a pic but I can't tell from the back if it's Goody or dragula?? Can anyone help me please?
You know what gm, i think it's dragula! It's amazing you posted that, 'cos i was just thinking i'm going to have to stop reading this thread, it makes me so hungry all the time i've put on 3 or 4 pounds since i started reading it. So goodbye food thread!
You've got to be kidding!!! Don't go!! What will luvvy and all the rest of us do for female companionship if you leave??? I'm sure you can loose those unwanted pounds if you really wanted too but I'm also sure you look just fine, awesome, spectacular, tremendous, or just great with an extra pound here and there. At least you don't weigh 24 stone!!! NOW who needs to loose a pound or two??
Gee thanks gm, that's really nice of you!! It's only one thread i'm going to skip - or else i'll have to start taking more exercise! And three or four pounds in a couple of weeks adds up to at least a stone by christmas!
Noooooooooooooo !!!!!! Please don't leave us Eva. Please, please ,please....... You are the only beautiful lady that visits us here regularly Other wise, it just us boys here
Nope he's a little skinny guy with a very high metabolism!! NO doubt which is the GM... is this luvvy or is this him?
Gm, I'm sure Eva is as fit and petite as a spring flower. She could always use this thread so that we'd know for sure ~ EDIT: I'm sure endo and dragula are too chicken to post there though.