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THE KING IS BACK!!!!!! WHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by vgaddict8, Oct 9, 2006.

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  1. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    YOU are stupid because..... I was just "joking" that I was trying to increase my post but I really wasn't!!! But because you are a fool, you thought that I was really trying to increase my post so you report me. THAT"S WHY I HATE YOU!!!! YOU ARE TOO STUPID TO REALIZE WHEN SOMEONE IS SERIOUS OR NOT!!!!
  2. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    I JUST DON"T WANT TO SEE YOU "EVER" "EVER" "EVER" "EVER" AGAIN!!! I don't talk to ignorant people!!! By the way, your bunny is stupid. Grow up!!! Why would a guy love a bunny? I also noticed that you despised me because I used the word "gay" joking meaning dull and it bothered you. I am sorry if you really are gay... and I offended you!!! I grew up in the 90's when "gay" was used joking meaning "dull" or "borring". That must of been the start where you despised me!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2006
  3. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    this is the internet; i can't hear your voice or read your mind. apparently, the mods had the same perspective.

    then why do you keep responding to me, if you find me ignorant.

    which, by the way, i am *not* in this thread...obtuse, yes...ignorant, no.

    i don't despise you, i despise the mockery you make of a good forum.

    as for gay, no, i'm not, but a few good friends of mine are and i've seen them suffer at the hands of people like you.

    and i'm not even going to begin trying to justify the bunny to you. but if you deny having any type of sci-fi interests, you're only lying to yourself.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2006
  4. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    Why would the mods have the same perspective? They of course know that posting in the "all other topics" section doesn't increase your post count so no one would be stupid enough to post pad there. But you probably told them on me... because you dislike the fact that I used the word "gay" meaning "dull" too much... and that it may offened you...because you are gay!!!! I am sorry... I didn't know!! There is nothing wrong with beening gay!
  5. PAN5Y

    PAN5Y Active member

    Oct 3, 2006
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    look this all started out by u blameing a moderator beacuse u got banned so there was no point in this thread...Auslander isnt doing anything wrong...so stop!!!
  6. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    Again, I am sorry. I grew up in the 90's where "gay" was used alot to mean "dull" or "borring". If you look where I used that word...it was in the context of the meaning "dull" or "borring". I am sorry.. if I offened you with that word. You have to understand how I used it.
  7. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    *sighs* now he's really trying to draw me out. doesn't he realize there's nothing he can do that other people have done a thousand times worse to me? i've been broken so many times that i'm nothing but scar tissue--there's nothing left to slash.

    *reports again*

    it doesn't matter if you used gay in that context...you still can't here, same as you can't use n****r or profanity. try using a full vocabulary instead.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2006
  8. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    I am finished. I now know why Auslander despised me. Pan5y, you stay out of this...you don't know jack sh*t!!!! NO HARD FEELINGS AUSLANDER!!!!
  9. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    you have no right to command PAN5Y...so quit "abusing your power."

    i still don't despise you, nor do i hold hard feelings. you have my sympathy. maybe a mod will be able to straighten you out.
  10. PAN5Y

    PAN5Y Active member

    Oct 3, 2006
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    i dont wanna say anything..its not worth getting banned
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2006
  11. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    Just keep obusing your power man.
  12. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    Tell a mod all your troubles. The will surely fix it for you because you are a "afterdawn addict" member!!!!
  13. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    PAN5Y: no, he's not, but this is great entertainment.

    vg: isn't that what you just did? hypocritical fellow, aren't ye?

    *edit* and they sure will...just like they do for newbs who see an addict mouthing off. they have been banned before; i have as much to fear as anyone. but as i'm on the right side most of the time, i don't worry too much. if i've committed a crime, a mod tells me and i don't do it again.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2006
  14. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    Why don't you tell a mod about your personal issues too...they might help you out because you are an "afterdawn addict" member!!!
  15. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    i thought you were done?

    i have no problems to complain about, well, other than you.
  16. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    Tell...Tell the mod...all your life problems. Tell the mod all your familie's life problems. Tell the mod all your grandparent's life problems. They probably will listen because you are a "afterdawn addict" member.
  17. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    so, we're on to another weak argument, eh, vg?
  18. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    Walk into the bank and tell them you are a "afterdawn addict" member. I think they give you free loans!!! TRY IT!!!!!
  19. PAN5Y

    PAN5Y Active member

    Oct 3, 2006
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    it dosent matter if ur a newb or a afterdawn addict..the mod chooses who was the idiot that said all the bad things...
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2006
  20. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    Go to george bush and tell him you are a "afterdawn addict" member... I hear you get free tours of the white house!!! Come on auslander...TELL...TELL...after all you are a "afterdawn addict" member!!!! I heard that just beeing a "afterdawn addict" member gives you free drinks at the bar.
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