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The New AMD Building Thread

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by theonejrs, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I just hope you never have to download anything from Abit. It took me 2 hours last night to download the drivers for a NF-95 motherboard. Their internet connection must be Dial-Up, because it's the slowest I've ever seen, and I still had to hunt the AC97 driver for the Audio, as they didn't offer it!

  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Old Asus site was like that. Not sure if it's still like it, but I used to get 2.5-3.5KB/s off the Asus site for downloads for several years, that's pretty much exactly 28k speeds.
    As for the board charge debacle, I would have just gone to the bank and made them void the charge for fraud. It's a pain, but for big sums like that it's worth it.
  3. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    1.39v for the CPU, 1.30v for the NB, and 1.30v for the CPU NB VID. NB Frequency is 2800MHz, and the HT Link Frequency is set to 2400MHz. It just doesn't like the HT Link Frequency any higher. Still works out to 5200 MT/s. LOL!!

    Best Regards,
  4. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Why so high on your NB/HT? I read somewhere BY amd that that was not recommended. But we are enthusiasts LOL! Is running those frequencies that high really Justified? I use CCE encoder as well, and if I were only keeping the main title, I'm sure I would be seeing your encode times as well. I go 3 pass, and generally keep almost everything. It averages 30 - 35minutes with those settings. 3 pass is good for things that are 2500Kb and under. E.g. extras/special features. Anything more than 4-5 pass is overkill. 3 really is all you need. 2 is pretty agreeable most the time too. I've actually seen people go 9 passes! Which is completely ridiculous LOL!
    When I encoded Avatar, 3 passes really did add a certain clarity to the picture. Or at least less blocky ;) Movies like that though really should be experienced in High definition. Best bluray I've seen to date xD
  5. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Social network crap - some of these sites were created specificially (well apart from raising stupid amounts of advertising money due to attracting society's brainless idiots) for tracking people/peoples' habits. It's all documented. However i don't use such sites as they are just mindless, pure and simple.

    Conspiracy theorist is a term usually only used by those who think the earth is flat and have no idea about their surroundings. Of course there are real conpsiracies, however the people who use the term usually think everything is a conspiracy. Not true, not to those of us who have a brain and aren't afraid to use it anyway.

    Aliens - i believe there's lots of them out there. Have we met them ?, don't know. The way i look at this subject is incredibly simple. If the only intelligent life out there is us (ie you could sum up humans as brainless social networking followers and who think every conspiracy whether proven or not, is a coincidence, etc etc) then whoever created the universe was either a) having a laugh, or b) brainless, maybe both; either way it is insane to think we're the best the universe has to offer.

    9/11 - Of course it wasn't carried out by cave-dwelling novice pilots with box cutters. 3 buildings fell from fire for the first time in history, (unnaturally i might add). They try to convince us that one plane crash was so violent that there was zero evidence of anything at the crash site, just a small hole in the ground. Norad running drills of hijacked planes being flown into buildings, on the very same day. No footage of the Pentagon attack, absolutely outrageous claims that a jumbo jet hit the pentagon, never mind that it could never have pulled off the manoeuvres. Mobile phone calls 'made' from hijacked planes years before such technology existed to allow such calls (this is admitted by plane companies! but the idiot public still refuses to shake their apathy and actually pay attention). There's masses of information on the subject, but all someone (with common sense and a brain) needs to do is look at the things i mentioned, plus various other facts and realise how suspicious it all was. Who was behind it ?, not sure, i suspect (like most things) it was Israel, with complicit menbers of the US government. The reason ?, a very large subject, and quite complex. It would appear to be part of the (existing) plan to further encroach into the Middle East. The final aims of said encroachment ?, not fully sure, i think it's ultimately about circling China, and/or Russia, stuff like that. What is certain is that it's all part and parcel of the crooks building their 'One World Government' ie a 'New World Order'. This still gets labelled as conspiracy, which is highly comical when most world leaders use the phrase in speeches so often that you have to be beyond IQ-challenged to not hear it. It's just crazy that it's called a conspiracy when it's so blatant.
    Ever wonder why 9/11 occurred on 9/11 - it's obvious to me anyway, the numbers '911'. Simple really, yet too many people think it's just a massive coincidence. Yeah right, the sociapaths responsible love doing stuff like that (to rub it in our faces), that they know most people will laugh off as coincidence, I think most people simply deserve to live in a real-life 'Truman show' (which i sometimes wonder if we do, actually!, it sure feels like it).

    7/7 London bombings - Remember the drills being carried out that very same day, at the very same places/same times ?. Yet more fantastical coincidences.

    WMD's/Iraq war - just an excuse to get feet in the door of yet another Middle Eastern country. Pakistan is being demonised currently, the UK/US need an excuse to get in there looking for 'terrorists'.
    The same is true of all the talk of invading Iran, a country who hasn't attacked another country in 300 or so years i think.
    edit ~ You just can't make this stuff up - how convenient, the US have been bleating on about cyber security for a while now, as they are trying to force thru legislation to put powers in place to shut down huge chunks of the internet in 'times of need'. And as if by clockwork, the 'most dangerous malware ever created' just happens to run amok in....Iran ~ Iran's Nuclear Chiefs Battle Cyber Attack

    Yemen - noises are being made about Yemen, again, to enable occupation of yet another country

    Northern Ireland has mysteriously started kicking off again after a few years respite. How convenient.

    Venezuela - noises are being made about Chavez

    Patriot Act - nothing to do with terrorists, only 'domestic' terrorists. Homeland Security, a tool for same. The US constitution is being attacked on various fronts, it's too protective of the public's rights. I'm certainly no expert of the various 'Amendments' that make up the Constitution, but even an idiot can see how attempts are being made to dismantle it, bit by bit.
    Remember Anthrax being posted to certain government buildings, which helped enable the Patriot Act no end as there was virtually no way it could be opposed. And wasn't the bill passed at 3am or so ?, again allowing no opposition.

    Bankster bailouts/state of the economy - legalised theft, pure and simple. Austerity measures - self explanatory, however are also used to scare us into expecting less for our money.
    The first big bankster bailout - Remember all the opposition to it ?. Then Hank Paulson stood up at that podium and stated "if we don't get that $700 billion bailout, on Monday the economy will collapse and we will have Martial Law. The next day they got that $700 billion. You remember what happened next ?, yep, Paulson got up on that podium and stated that the money had been used for other things and no, he would not state who or what it was used for.

    Tax is also legalised theft, however we can't do anything about it so we just accept it.
    The Federal Reserve - a private bank created in 1913 to totally and completely loot the public/indebt same. Is currently doing a very good job of destroying the US economy, and destabilising other economies.

    The War on Drugs. The CIA admit to running the drugs in Afghanistan, they say "if we don't others will do it". Look it up, it's admitted.
    And don't get me started on 'weed', that natural plant that grows in the ground (in certain places anyway). It's kept illegal as the drug companies can't patent it, pure and simple. But they can patent concoctions of dangerous chemicals. And they don't like vitamins, Omega 3, Aloe Vera and the like, they're trying to outright ban such things. Funny that.

    Obama - it's looking very likely that it's going to be proven that he's a) not a US citizen, hence has no right to the Presidency, and b) is a CIA asset after all. Doesn't seem as crooked as Bush (both Junior and Senior) and virtually all other presidents. They're put in place as puppets anyway, to think that so many people believe that presidents (and in the UK, Prime Ministers) get in because they are voted in by the idiot public is assinine, pure and simple. They are selected by the Bilderberg group and various other groups (who control government btw).

    Religion. A very, very complex subject, suffice it to say that it is very devisive, i am even of the opinion that religion itself was created purely because it could be so effective at causing conflict. Just watching the odd documentary and reading up a little on the Catholic church is enough proof of this. In fact the Catholic church seems to have it's tendrils into a lots of facets of life that they shouldn't, i'm still learning new things about the offensive institution that is the Catholic church.

    H1N1 swine flu - a flat-out proven scam, something i'd researched quite a lot, this was because i wanted to be sure my kids wouldn't be damaged by said jabs. There are two types of jab - adjuvant-free and those with adjuvants. Needless to say only important people were being offered the adjuvant-free variety, the rest of us 'little people' were offered the nasty variety. They are now (openly) adding the H1N1 vaccine to the annual seasonal-flu jabs. Have fun with that, anyone that takes the jab is an idiot, if nothing else they should know that the vaccine companies obtained legal protection from anyone being harmed by the jabs. Plus the World Health Organisation/government health organisations have been proven to have created a scare for no reason, it's all about Big Pharma getting paid to inject harmful crud into people (for no good reason other than to harm them, and make money doing it of course). Some countries were wise enough to ban the jabs outright (Poland springs to mind).
    Vitamin D is a huge deterrant to H1N1, but as i said further up the page, such things as Vitamin D, sunlight, etc, are demonised. We just need expensive vaccines, none of that natural stuff!.
    There's a lot of info out there about H1N1 being similar to the Spanish Flu, talk of laboratory meddling, mixing up of Bird Flu with Swine Flu, yadda yadda yadda, i've posted masses of research on this subject over at another site for some months now.

    Big brother/CCTV/ANPR/road cameras etc etc etc, it's all about tracking people. They're now building systems that can identify a person (from far away and from behind) from the way that they walk (used in conjunction with data taken conveniently from.....social networking sites no less).

    Man made Climate 'change' - one of the biggest scams of all. Anyone that buys into this nonsense is beyond idiocy. Come back and debate it with me when you've finished being taxed by the mile and been taxed out of existence with carbon taxes etc etc.

    Internet cybersecurity - this is the way that Obama is trying to create legislation to allow him to shutdown a huge chunk of the internet, he's passing bills as i type. Very very devious stuff going on, and most of it in public view. People just don't pay attention, they'd rather watch 'celebrities', absorb themselves in sport, watch other mindless crap on TV or play video games all day, bascially anything at all to hide from reality. Some of us spend our free time learning stuff, improving our knowledge in work-related things (my main hobby i guess!) and other real-life goings on that affect our daily lives/wallets.

    RFID chips - my new passport has one. I can now be tracked and treated just as if i was a crate of fruit in a warehouse. People still laugh this off as make believe.

    Christmas Day underpants bomber - it was admitted that the bomber was escorted onto said plane so that 'they could track him to whoever was directing his actions'. Look at what ensued, mass body scanner rollout as the rollout wasn't happening quickly enough.
    All the hype about the scanners not saving the images, then admissions that of course they were designed to save the images.

    Politics - Ever heard of the Left/Right paradigm ?, ie Republican/Democrat, Labour/Conservative or whatever, it's all the same difference. I call it the Punch & Judy show, watching parties argue with each other, they're just puppets doing the bidding of who really puts them in power. And no it's not us mere thick-headed little voter people who put them in power, they get selected behind the scenes. Look at that airhead Sarah Palin being lined up for Presidency. That bimbo to run the US ?, crazy. It's either to enable Obama to gain another term or she'll actually be selected (notice i didn't say voted for) to get Obama out (as he's hugely unpopulour, has been from the start).

    Electronic voting in the US - i've researched this a little, it would appear that there's no paper audit trail available or even given access to, to reconcile the voting. The companies that make them just state 'you have to trust us'.

    Notice a pattern here ?, it's always the UK/US (with Israel behind the scenes usually) endlessly embroiled in problems that they say are caused by others. And they have to save us from the 'terrorists'.

    Anyways, I do use Peer Guardian, i won't *ahem* download torrent content without such programs. However i'm not overly convinced it actually protects us very well, but it's free, it's easy to use and it's stupid not to use it.

    Sorry about all that, i was late following the thread posts, i saw the words conspiracy theorist, peerblock, stuff like that and i had to comment. I spend a lot of time each week researching many subjects. It's shocking that too many people out there don't do the same.

    On topic, i'm installing MySQL on my AMD linux machine as i've just come back from a MySQL course.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
  6. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    I call it pied piper syndrome Creaky, follow the leader, *Ohlook* shiny object...
    No one held accountable so no one does anything about it.
    ONTOPIC---How was the SQL training? Straight-forward I hope, I'm thinking of studying that next semester as I need database credits. Even though my company doesn't have dedicated IT so most our databases (databasii? :p) are MSaccess files, I want to study a real language and figure if i can do that I'd certainly be able to translate that to a MS GUI.

    And I'd be sure to put it on my AMD rig too...
  7. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Subjects such as the above just really get me angry, even watching the propaganda in a lot of mainstream news gets me livid when you see thru the lies, i can't for the life of me understand people who go thru life not seeing the obvious around them, especially those that are injustices.

    As to SQL, yeah very straightforward, very logical, i now know why it's called 'structured' query language :). As it happens i was the only *nix guy in the class, i had to do the course in Windows. No biggie, you get to swap between command line and a GUI. I like MySQL's own Workbench tool but my boss showed me HeidiSQL so i'll be using command line most with both GUI's.
  8. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Fantastic info Creaky. We do share most of the same views. Allow me if you will to make a few comments...

    Well, the pyramids, the Nazca lines, stonehenge, the monoliths on Easter Island, various biblical accounts describing "angels", etc. The facts are in our history. You only need to look for them ;P

    Not to mention they found pockets of Thermite burning into the ground at Ground Zero over a month after the buildings fell. Don't believe me? Look it up. Also, there are accounts from live news broadcasts that many people in the towers felt an extremely strong explosion before the first plane ever hit. They say it came from the basement and was strong enough to knock people on the ground floor off their feet.

    I believe that the war was based on lies. But I also believe that American troops in the Middle East are doing good things for the people there. So I have mixed feelings about the whole ordeal. Last I checked, the locals, even the local military, want us there.

    Agreed but not entirely. I do believe he was elected to some extent but political manipulation was used to make sure he won. The entire situation is fishy at best.

    Like I said, a political tool, plain and simple. If Jesus made his second coming today, the first thing he would do is make the Vatican a crater. They sit on the largest single sum of money anywhere in the world, they think beaver is a fish, and sanction the rape of little boys. Tell me how that is not corrupt...

    Right on. The Swine Flu was nothing more than an average flu outbreak running its course. I myself have had Swine Flu and it is nothing more than a normal flu. The talk of deaths from the flu is not surprising. Influenza is historically known in every outbreak that has ever occured to be deadly to the very young and the very old.

    As far as the rest of your points, I really have no intelligent input on that. So I'll leave it be ;P Lots of things pi** me off these days.
  9. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I could talk about this stuff ad finitum (guess what i was doing in my spare time when being out of work for so long!). We could start a thread on this in the Safety Valve maybe, i'm all about sharing info, i just shouldn't have done it in this thread, i saw some comments and felt the need to reply. But for now i've added some more content to my previous reply.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
  10. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Fair enough. If a thread is made please give me a heads up but for now, let's just switch it back to computers ;P
  11. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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  12. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I read about the 970 recently :p I'll stick with my 3.9Ghz 965 ;) And eagerly await the bulldozer CPU.
  13. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    970 was announced quite a while ago. Not really a lot of fuss to be made as it's just a 965 with a 100mhz higher stock speed.
  14. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I told you that this old Dell is slow! LOL!! I know it was announced a while back, but it only came out on Sept 21st. Since there wasn't any new tech about it, I waited until people could actually buy one!

  15. shaffaaf

    shaffaaf Regular member

    Jan 5, 2008
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    not a good idea for an upgrade from current phenom iiX4 users, but for the x2, seems good.
  16. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I quite agree! Not with affordable 6 cores available that will go in their current motherboard with a minimum of fuss!

  17. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    If I could get one cheap, I would be willing to switch up to a newer revision Phenom II. But it would have to be pretty cheap :p
  18. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    You'd be getting at most about 10-11% extra performance out of that endeavour I would have thought. Doesn't sound worth it to me! Granted, I upgraded from a Q6600 to a Q9550 but that earned me an extra 30%. 38% initially, but with 4 GPUs, that speed was difficult to keep.
  19. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    For your situation, it might be worth it, as it would give you a worthy backup computer for when you eventually build a Bulldozer. With C3 stepping, it will run much cooler and perform better, even at the same clock speed, but using less voltage. I don't think you would have much difficulty selling the 940 either.

    Best Regards,
  20. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    No joke. I've seen them on Ebay going for ridiculous sums! Hard to believe people overpay, when there are countless PC Etailers ;)

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